04 Desember 2004

Down the Tubes Guide to Writing Comics

Down the Tubes Guide to Writing Comics: "Writing comics is not easy. It takes determination, perseverance and lots of practice, whether you're an aspiring writer or artist. If you didn't already know it, there are one heck of a lot of people out there who think they have what it takes as a writer or an artist to make it in the industry. The fact that 95 per cent of these people haven't got a clue is neither here nor there. These 95 per cent are the ones who bombard editors both in the UK and the US with their work, without undertaking the basics that every comics editor wants to see.
If you want to shine in the unsolicited slush pile your work must be polished, take on board the current trends in the market and particularly those of the company you're aiming at. It has to be something the editor wants to see, be they working on Thomas the Tank Engine or 2000AD. And on that subject, be prepared for the inevitable possibility that you're more likely to get work on a junior title than the dizzying heights of the titles your regularly read. Many an artist and writer I worked with on Marvel UK titles such as Death's Head II, Warheads and Overkill etc. learnt their trade writing or drawing The Real Ghostbusters and Thundercats. Grant Morrison started his career by writing Zoids, among other things. If you're self-employed and still learning, nothing should be beneath you."

Kalau mau bikin komik, mungkin ini tempat yang baik untuk belajar trik2 .... bukan bikinnya sih, tapi bagaimana bisa memasuki industri komik (di Inggris) di halaman lain dari situs ini ada juga petunjuk untuk membuat komik yang baik.

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