08 November 2004

::IPCOS:: Institute for Policy and Community Development Studies

::IPCOS:: Institute for Policy and Community Development Studies: "Who We Are

The Institute for Policy and Community Development Studies (IPCOS) is an Indonesian non-profit independent Non Government Organization based in Jakarta. It was founded in January 1995 by a number of Indonesian citizens concerned about the state of the nation.

Driven by the motivation to raise the dignity of human beings through policy and development activities the founders laid down what is to be the Institute's guidelines. The main concern of the founders were in developing society's self-reliance, and together promoting alternative policies that are ethically prudent, morally right, academically justifiable, and practically expedient.

IPCOS conducts research and studies, organize seminars, discussions and workshops in its area of concern. It also publishes materials in its area of expertise. The Institute is always active in conducting strategic studies, independently or in cooperation with government or private organizations, domestic or foreign.

The Institute is also working to induce productive economic activities for the disadvantaged people who have been left behind by past - and current - development policies. The Institute is doing this by providing information and training in alternative practices."

Lagi belajar ingin tahu apakah bisa sekalin memuat gambar dari website ......lihat deh, karena yang sekarang ini blok yang dibuat memuat grafis sih.

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