31 Mei 2005
Optimis atau Pesimis Pilkadal (Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Langsung) akan memperbaiki kualitas pelayanan publik? itu pertanyaan awalnya.
Posted by Hello
Itu perhatikan, bon yang di tulis itu pakai kapur di atas papan-tulis. Pemandangan langka, tapi tidak terekspose sebagai obyek turis gitu.
Posted by Hello
Yang ini juga di Solo tapi makan katak, yang mustinya sih di Purwodadi yah. Tapi yah dari pada lah.
Posted by Hello
Jadilah Blogger yang Lebih Produktif
Masalahnya, saya berusaha keras menjaga situs saya selalu terkini, menarik dan bergerak maju. Jawaban spontan saya adalah bahwa saya "menulis cepat", hal itu benar, tapi ada hal lain. Menjadi penyedia konten (blogger) yang produktif berarti anda harus terorganisasi, melakukan yang terbaik untuk tiap gagasan bagus dan tahu kapan harus bekerja dan kapan menunggu.
Berikut beberapa tip yang bisa menolong:
- Luangkan waktu untuk menulis (atau podcasting dll) and patuhilah. Terdengar sederhana, tapi hidup sering mengganggu waktu ini. Anda perlu mempertahankan waktu kreatif anda dengan pengorbanan apapun.
- Buat (dan jalankan) jadwal publikasi. Saya sering melakukan ini waktu saya baru mulai. Hal ini sungguh membantu saya tetap pada tujuan dan termotivasi. Sekarang saya punya jadwal yang longgar, tetapi ada kalanya saya mencoba dan merencanakan sesuatu yang lebih pasti untuk memastikan saya tidak tertinggal terlalu jauh.
- Buatlah suatu jurnal gagasan. Saya sudah terbiasa punya satu di tempat tidur, satu bersama saya dan bila semua itu gagal, saya punya halaman gagasan terpasang di Backpack. Anda tidak pernah tahu kapan anda memerlukan gagasan yang bagus.
- Manfaatkan waktu puncak kreatifitas anda. Ini hal besar. Ada saat saya kebanjiran gagasan, saat itu saya tinggalkan apapun yang sedang saya lakukan bila mungkin, dan menulis, menulis, menulis. Pada saat begini saya bisa membuat lebihan gagasan bagus untuk dimanfaatkan kala saya perlu waktu istirahat. Yang membawa saya pada ...
- Ambil waktu beristirahat. Hanya ada sedikit hal yang lebih baik dari pada beristirahat bagi mesin kreatifitas anda.. Sebanyak apapun saya berkarya, banyak waktu saya hanya beristirahat dan menikmati hasil kerja. Saya perlu waktu seperti ini untuk terus bekerja.
- Baca. Kunci untuk bisa produktif adalah memiliki hal untuk dibicarakan. Luangkan waktu tiap hari untuk membaca. Maksud saya benar-benar membaca, bukan membaca sekilas! Hal ini sering memberimu gagasan kecil yang berlanjut pada hal besar.
- Mulai dengan judul. Kadang cukup dengan mendapat gagasan dan menuliskan judul bisa melancarkan tulisan selanjutnya.
- Pilih gaya dan intonasi bercakap-cakap. Hal ini membantu aliran kata-katammu. Mungkin cara terbaik untuk menulis, tapi hal ini baik untukku dan menghemat waktuku.
- Berhubungan dan termotivasi. Saya mendapati bahwa komunitas cara bagus untuk mempertahankan energi. Berbicaralah dengan orang-orang, buat konten diseputar pembicaraan. Hal ini mengarah pada lebih banyak energi dan lebih banyak gagasan. Juga, hal adalah hal yang memotivasi bila kita tahu bahwa orang lain juga punya perhatian pada hal sama dengan kita dan berurusan dengan masalah yang sama.
- Jangan khawatir gagal. Lewat kegagalan kita belajar dengan sungguh-sungguh. Kekhawatiran bisa mengganjal kreatifitas. Sya dapati bahwa lebih baik untuk selalu bergerak maju dan menangani kegagalan saat ia terjadi. Dan kegagalan pasti terjadi, terlepas dari berapa waktu kamu mengkhawatirkannya.
- Jangan terlalu pusing dengan tata bahasa (atau penuturan kalau kamu seorang podcaster). Orang tidak sempurna dan walau saya menghormati para editor dan menghargai kerja pengeditan, anda perlu menyadari (atau kalau kamu seperti saya lebih dari sedikit) salah ketik dan kesalahan tata bahasa. Jangan siksa diri anda karenanya. Pesan andalah yang paling berharga.
- Tetaplah positif. Cukup itu saja.
- Coba sesuatu yang baru. Kalau kamu merasa kamu terjebak dalam pengulangan, keluar dan cobalah sesuatu yang baru. Ini lah persis yang saya lakukan dengan "To-Done" dan tidak saja hal ini membuka dunia baru untukku dengan teman baru dan hal baru untuk didiskusikan, ia juga telah melancarkan semangat kreatifitas di bidang lain. Hal ini terjadi dengan gagasan dan hal yang kita tuliskan juga hal ini memelihara ketajaman pikiranmu, siap dan kreatif juga.
Aku senang mendengan beberapa tip kalian untuk menjadi blogger (atau podcaster) yang produktif jadi, tolong berbagilah di sini kalau ada.
*** diterjemahkan dari "Be a More Productive Blogger" by D. Keith Robinson - To-Done; 24 Mei 2005
30 Mei 2005
Mauuuuu -------->> Be A More Productive Blogger
Be A More Productive Blogger: "Here are a few quick tips that might help:
* Set aside time for writing (or podcasting, etc.) and stick to it. Sounds simple, but life (and work) has a way of intruding on these times. You need to hold on to your creative times at all costs!
* Create (and stick to) a publishing schedule. I used to do this quite a bit when I was first getting started. It really helped keep me on track and motivated. Now I’ve got a loose schedule I use, but there are times when I try and plan out something more solid to help make sure I don’t fall too far behind.
* Keep an Idea Journal. I’ve taken to having one by my bed, one on my person and if all that fails, I’ve got idea pages set up in Backpack. You never know when you’ll need a good idea!
* Take advantage of creative highs. This is huge. There are times when I’m literally flooded with ideas, when this happens I drop what I’m doing, if possible, and write, write, write. During these times I can build up a surplus of good content to use when I need some time off. Which brings me to…
* Take some time off. There is little better for fueling your creative engine than a few well timed days off. As much as I create, there are many times when I just relax and enjoy the fruits of my labor. I need this time to keep me going.
* Read. A key to being productive is having things to talk about. Spend some time each day reading. And I mean reading, not skimming! This will often times give you small ideas that can lead to big things.
* Start with a title. Sometimes just coming up with that initial idea and writing down the title for your post will get the words flowing.
* Adopt a conversational tone and style. This helps your words flow more freely. It might not be the “best” way to write, but it’s served me well and it saves me time.
* Connect and motivate. I’ve found that community is a great way to keep your energy level high. Talk to people, create content"
29 Mei 2005
2005 Social Capitalist Awards
2005 Social Capitalist Awards: "The amazing organizations that received the Fast Company/Monitor Group Social Capitalist Awards have found a better way to do good: They're using the disciplines of the corporate world to tackle daunting social problems. In our second exclusive ranking, we used a similarly hard-nosed approach to find the 25 best social entrepreneurs."
23 Mei 2005
Pelatihan Manajemen Pelayanan Publik yang Responsif dan Akuntabel
Tujuh jam lagi aku akan berangkat ke Solo, Jawa Tengah, di sana untuk
melakukan pelatihan tentang manajemen pelayanan publik yang responsif
dan akuntabel. Pelatihannya sendiri akan dimulai besok dan berlangsung
sampai Kamis. Jadi aku tidak bisa menuliskan blog dengan sesukaku, tak
yakin di sana ada koneksi internet seleluasa di kantor dan di rumahku.
Kalau harus ke warnet males deh.
Jadi kemungkinan besar baru setelah Jumat depan aku bisa berblog ria lagi.
22 Mei 2005
Jasa Pelatihan Manajemen Lingkungan [KONTAN]
www.kontan-online.com: "Nah, yang bisa memenuhi tuntutan akan standar lingkungan adalah perusahaan pelatihan dan konsultasi lingkungan. Contohnya, PT Sucofindo (Persero) melalui anak perusahaannya, Sprint Konsultan, yang menggawangi pelatihan dan konsultasi. Perusahaan yang didirikan tahun 1997 ini berbeda dengan jasa sertifikasi, yang sejak 1994 ditangani Sucofindo International Certification Services (SICS). Selain Sucofindo, Surveyor Indonesia (SI) juga membidik bisnis yang basah ini sejak 1997. Basahnya bisnis ini membuat SI tak gentar melebarkan sayapnya dari Jakarta ke Batam, Palembang, Balikpapan, Surabaya, Medan, dan Pekanbaru.
Perusahaan lain yang menjadi pesaing ketat mereka adalah PT Produksi Bersih Benefita. Perusahaan yang dibangun tahun 1998 ini menguras investasi sebesar Rp 250 juta, termasuk biaya operasional tahun pertama. Asal tahu saja, menginjak tahun ketiga, perusahaan tinggal mengantongi keuntungan karena sudah balik modal. Dengan memfokuskan 70%-80% kegiatan pada pelatihan dan sisanya konsultasi, kini Benefita mengantongi laba sekitar Rp 2 miliar setahun. 'Walau pasar aktifnya belum besar, tapi bisnis ini potensial,' ujar Mulyadi, Direktur PT Produksi Bersih Benefita."
Sekolah Menulis
Dari: http://www.kontan-online.com
www.kontan-online.com: "Setiap sekolah menulis mengajarkan materi yang berbeda. Sebagai contoh, di PLC, Farid mengajarkan jurnalisme, penulisan, kehumasan, dan penerbitan. Di JS, Yayan juga membuka materi serupa. 'Kami buka kelas penulisan kreatif, skenario, dan novel,' ujar Yayan yang mendirikan JS tahun 2004. Umumnya, materi ini disortir dari banyaknya permintaan yang masuk melalui telepon, faksimili, dan e-mail.
Materi ini menentukan biaya yang harus dibayar setiap siswa. Misalnya, untuk setiap materi kelas tertentu, JS membanderol Rp 1 juta-Rp 1,5 juta untuk 12 kali pertemuan. Tapi, jika ingin kelas khusus, JS sudah menggandeng Rumah Alexandra di kawasan Kemang Selatan dengan pungutan sebesar Rp 2,9 juta per siswa. Untuk satu semester, MLC memasang tarif Rp 2,4 juta. Untuk online learning, PLC menarik iuran Rp 300.000-Rp 900.000 per materi selama delapan minggu.
Bagi Farid, tarif yang dipasang tidak bikin kantong pesertanya bolong. Meskipun ia mengaku merugi lantaran peserta online learning hanya 5-10 orang, namun bisa ia tambal dari kursus offline dan inhouse. 'Biaya sekolah offline dan inhouse dua kali lipat,' tuturnya. Adapun banyaknya siswa di kelas itu berbeda-beda untuk setiap sekolah. Hernowo membatasi lima-tujuh orang setiap periode. Tapi, JS membuka kelas hingga 30 orang per kelas per periode."
BlogFam mau pembersihan nih ya
Berikut email dari administratur BlogFam, yang sekarang sudah mencatat
lebih dari 1016 anggota, tetapi karena ada 30% anggota tidur (sleeping
member) dengan mengirim email di bawah mencoba untuk membangunkannya.
Dua minggu lagi member yang tidak pernah posting akan di hapus dari
daftar keanggotaan.
Aku juga belum mencoba sih kalau kita jadi guest, apa juga
keterbatasan kita. Yang ku tahu hanya bahwa ada satu (sub) forum yang
bahkan anggaota pun harus mendaftar secara khusus, bagaimana dengan
yang lainnya belum mencoba. Aku pikir kalau memang kelompok 30 %
persen ini hanya sesekali saja melihat dan tidak pernah berminat untuk
memberi komentar penghapusan mereka dari status keanggotaan memang
tidak ada pengaruhnya.
Dengan tidak adanya sponsor atau kepentingan komersil (komersil tidak
harus berarti mencari keuntungan lho) maka memang lebih mudah untuk
mengejar kualitas pengunjung. Langkah ini menunjukkan keinginan
pengelola untuk memiliki anggota yang walau sedikit tetapi aktif.
Sementara biasanya kepentingan komersil (iklan) kerap berpegang pada
"page view" yang berarti lalu lintas baik dari anggota maupun bukan
menjadi hal penting. Dalam hal ini para anggota tidur ini sesungguhnya
bisa menjadi bahan utama untuk meningkatkan "page view". Persoalannya
justru bagaimana menarik mereka. Tetapi ini memang bukan keinginan
para pengelola. Ini adalah konsekuensi logis pilihan identitas yang
akan di bangun.
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ngeblog! dan anda berada didalamnya.
Tujuan Blogfam adalah memberikan kehangatan sebuah keluarga di dunia
maya. Moto kami adalah "We are a Virtual family".
Sampai dengan tgl 21 mei 2005 jam 11.05 pm wib, anggota Blogfam
http://www.blogfam.com sudah mencapai 1016.
Tetapi jumlah anggota blogfam yang tidak pernah posting mencapai 30%
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Untuk kefektifan kerja member blogfam, blogfam bermaksud mengecek
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tahu bahwa anda menjadi bagian dari keluarga besar blogfam dan mereka
bisa mengunjungi rumah maya dengan senang hati.
jika anda kesulitan, silahkan hubungi salah satu moderator blogfam
lewat blognya yang ada di profil member blogfam.
Jika anda sudah tak tertarik untuk bergabung di blogfam, abaikanlah
pesan ini dan keanggotaan anda dengan posting O (kosong) akan segera
di hapus dalam jangka 2 minggu dari email ini.
Dan bagi anda yang tidak pernah posting lagi semejak 1 mei 2004, maka
keanggotaan anda akan di hapus sebulan setelah email ini.
Kami juga menghimbau kepada seluruh anggota untuk mencantumkan lokasi
dengan menggunakan nama kota dimana anda tinggal untuk memudahkan bagi
para anggota lain yang kebetulan ingin menjalin silaturahmi dengan
sesama anggota blogfam yang berada dalam satu kota/Negara.
Demikian harap maklum adanya.
Kami lebih menghargai kwalitas dan intensitas sebuah keluarga
daripada kwantitas anggotanya.
Kami tunggu anda semua di forum blogfam http://www.blogfam.com.
Jabat erat,
Tutup Panci
21 Mei 2005
Para "evaluator" dari kiri ke kanan: Ishadi, Sumita Tobing, Bustanul Arifin, Sutradara Gintings.
Posted by Hello
Twelve Ways to Think Differently
Ini saran untuk "olah otak" agar otak kita tetap "sehat", serupa
dengan kebutuhan "olah raga" menjaga kesehatan tubuh kita.
"From my own experience, some research and a couple of recent
conversations, here are twelve mental 'stretching' techniques that can
enable you to think differently. Before you consider them, you might
want to ask yourself whether you need them. They are unlikely to make
you happier, though they will probably make you more creative, and
more understanding. Remember, I'm the guy who lives to foment
dissatisfaction, so be forewarned. In no particular order, and with
some likely overlap:
1. Meditation: Or whatever 'stand still and look until you really
see' attention techniques work for you. Anything that can still the
noise of the machine in our heads, anything (like Getting Things Done)
that can empty the detailed minutiae of your life from your memory and
make room for something new. Because the better you are at paying
attention, the more likely you are to be able to see and appreciate
other perspectives.
2. Reconnect With Your Senses: Do exercises that increase your
awareness and the sensitivity of your senses. Most of what you learn
is perceptual rather than conceptual, and you can learn an astonishing
amount by just becoming more aware of nature, and of yourself, and of
the connection between your senses and the senses of all life on
3. Reconnect With Your Intuition: We are taught to distrust it, but
for three million years it informed us about the world and how to deal
with it successfully and happily. It's all there encoded in your DNA
-- how to live, how to handle any situation, what to do. The
perspective you can get when your intuition provides one viewpoint on
a situation and your 'book learning' another is remarkable. It's like
suddenly seeing stereo when all your life you've only seen with one
eye. Instant depth perception.
4. Analogies and Metaphors: "Science is Metaphor" said Timothy
Leary. Analogies and metaphors allow you to 're-see' something
abstract as something concrete, something conceptual as perceptual.
Lakoff points out that "We cannot think just anything - only what our
embodied brains permit", and analogies and metaphors permit us to
think things we probably otherwise couldn't. My recent "If the Shoe
Were On the Other Foot" article was an example of this.
5. Conversations and Interviews: A wonderful enabler for thinking
differently is the shared context that comes from conversations and
interviews. Several of my most popular articles have been
conversations with myself or with other people, because they help
people understand my thought process much better than analytical
discourse. Like everything natural, they are inefficient but extremely
effective. Interviews work the same way. Face-to-face and recorded
conversations and interviews, if they are natural and probing and
improvisational, are even better, because you learn more of the
participants' worldview from the vocal nuances and body language.
6. Synthesis, Distillation and Restatement: When you recapitulate
and condense what you've read or heard, you force yourself to use your
own words to say what they had to say. You can learn as much from this
about their way of thinking, and your own, as you can from the reading
or listening experience itself.
7. Reading (and Writing) Fiction: The most important character in
stories is the narrator, not the protagonist. While empathy with the
protagonist will keep you reading, it is from understanding the
perspective of the narrator, and contrasting it with your own, that
you learn the most. Here as an illustration is an excerpt from Mark
Haddon's wonderful book The Curious Incident of the Dog in the
Night-Time (thank you to the reader who recommended this book to me)
-- told from the point of view of an autistic child::
And then I thought about how for a long time scientists were puzzled
by the fact that the sky is dark at night, even though there are
billions of stars in the universe and there must be stars in every
direction you look, so that the sky should be full of starlight
because there is very little in the way to stop the light from
reaching Earth. Then they worked out that the universe was expanding,
that the stars were all rushing away from one another after the Big
Bang, and the further the stars were away from us, the faster they
were moving, some of them nearly as fast as the speed of light, which
is why their light never reached us.
I like this fact. It is something you can work out in your own mind
just by looking at the sky above your head at night and thinking
without having to ask anyone. And when the universe has finished
exploding, all the stars will slow down, like a ball that has been
thrown into the air, and they will come to a halt and they will all
begin to fall towards the centre of the universe again. And then there
will be nothing to stop us from seeing all the stars in the world
because they will all be moving towards us, gradually faster and
faster, and we will know that the world is going to end soon because
when we look up into the sky at night there will be no darkness, just
the blazing light of billions and billions of stars, all falling.
Except that no one will see this because there will be no people left
on Earth to see it. They will probably have become extinct by then.
And even if there are people still in existence, they will not see it
because the light will be so bright and hot that everyone will be
burned to death, even if they live in tunnels.
8. Psychoactive and Other Drugs: They work for some people, and
have for thousands of years. Nope, don't have any on me.
9. Learning a New Language: Linguists say all human languages are
so similar than an alien would see them as indistinguishable, but
anyone who doesn't see how a language entrenches cultural
preconceptions, ideas, and ways of thinking probably has never
mastered a second one. The vocabulary, the syntax, the way in which it
is ordered, the nuances of meaning, all push you to new ways of
10. Learning Something Outside Your Comfort Zone: If you're an
artist, learn about String Theory. If you're a scientist, learn about
the aesthetics of music. The more novel and uncomfortable and strange
it is, the more it will liberate your calcified brain.
11. Do Impulsive and Serendipitous Things: Any activity that won't
let you plan or anticipate, but which instead forces you to perceive
and learn quickly and pay attention and react and live in the moment,
will get you outside the centre of your own universe and help you see
and think differently. And if you can't get yourself to do impulsive
and serendipitous things, then at least read impulsively and
serendipitously. Free the genie.
12. Collaboration: Not just coordination or cooperation, true
collaboration. When you have produced a truly collective work-product,
you have in many ways got inside the heads of your fellow
collaborators, and that will change you forever."
donald kirkpatrick's learning evaluation model
donald kirkpatrick's learning evaluation model: "The four levels of Kirkpatrick's evaluation model essentially measure:
* reaction of student - what they thought and felt about the training
* learning - the resulting increase in knowledge or capability
* behaviour - extent of behaviour and capability improvement and implementation/application
* results - the effects on the business or environment resulting from the trainee's performance"
MAP for Nonprofits -- Welcome
MAP for Nonprofits -- Welcome: "MAP for Nonprofits
25 years of Navigating for Nonprofit Excellence
MAP for Nonprofits provides management and board recruitment services to large and small nonprofit organizations in the Twin Cities. We complement the management expertise and resources of our clients with the right combination of our paid staff, consultants and volunteers to achieve our clients' strategic objectives. Click on Nonprofit Services for more information."
Bentuk transaksi baru: Fundable
Berikut penjelasan dari Seth Godin:
"Anders Abrahamsson points us to Fundable, a new open source venture. Welcome to Fundable — Fundable.
I post it because
a. the site is beautiful and clear and is a great example of the sort of Knock Knock website we need more of.
b. more important, I think it represents a neat opportunity for marketers of content.
Example: Rickie Lee Jones says, "If 5,000 people agree to buy a new live album from me $10 a copy as an MP3, I'll go ahead and make it." She then promotes the sale and points people to Fundable.
If she doesn't get 5,000, everyone gets a refund, automatically. If she does, she sends out the album and something good has happened.
What's neat about this is that it creates a fundamentally different sort of buying mechanism. That hasn't happened in a long, long time.
I actually don't think that this is going to be a truly next big thing... it's too much work to do the promotion and to make something worth buying. (Imagine chartering a big jet to Las Vegas for a convention...) But it's a cool idea."
20 Mei 2005
Yahoo! Publisher's Guide to RSS
Yahoo! Publisher's Guide to RSS: "What Is RSS?
RSS stands for 'Really Simple Syndication.' Web sites and blogs use the RSS format to syndicate and distribute frequently updated content via services like My Yahoo! and other news aggregators.
Syndication benefits both users and publishers by helping users consume more information – instead of visiting multiple web sites to see what's new, users can scan headlines or article summaries and click to read the full text. Some publishers also make their entire content (whether full-text or audio/video) available for users to access via RSS and view in other applications. It's 'really simple' for publishers to make content available in this format."
» Blogging in Formation - Lessons from a Goose: ProBlogger Blog Tips
Tentu ini tidak berlaku untuk blog yang memang diniatkan untuk menjadi buku harian pribadi atau diary.
» Blogging in Formation - Lessons from a Goose: ProBlogger Blog Tips: "Over the next few days I’m going to write a mini series of posts on how to build relationships with other bloggers (a couple of you have suggested this recently) - I really believe its one of the keys to a successful and profitable blog - stay tuned - and in the mean time - Blog like a Goose!"
The Prelaunch Success Plan » Work Boxers
The Prelaunch Success Plan » Work Boxers: "I would advise myself to follow these guidelines since I get a bit overzealous with every launch and always seem to launch a bit too early, but that still doesn't seem to stop me."
Breaking: Google Launching Personal Portal Page : Gizmodo
Breaking: Google Launching Personal Portal Page : Gizmodo: "Google is launching a personalized home page tonight, which you can view now by going to the URL below. It’s basically a custom portal of your own Google services, like a Gmail preview and Google News highlihgts, as well as Word of the Day, Weather, and Wired News updates (they must be pretty happy about that).
Oh, and a search box. I forgot about that."
Fiction Factor - Free Software for Writers
Fiction Factor - Free Software for Writers: "Welcome to our growing list of FREE Writer's Software. We will be adding to this list whenever we can, so check back soon to see if there are any new additions you might have missed. "
Smart Writers: Belajar menulis on line (in English)
Smart Writers: "Is writing something you've always wanted to do since you were old enough to hold a crayon? Whether you're a closet novelist who has words trapped inside fighting to get out or an extrovert author who has a finished manuscript but just needs some help in finding a market or with fine tuning, this website is the place for you. You can find articles that will help you decide if children's books are your playground of choice or if a romance novel is more your cup of 'tea for two'. From writing speeches to publishing your very own blog we have the 'know how to show how' to get your name in print. We even have articles for those of you who have already spread your scripting wings and are just looking for the next byline. Check out our jobs for writers menu option or join a writer's group. It's all about networking.
What makes a smart writer? You take a bit of talent, a lot of research, some sharpened pencils (or a keyboard) and time. A writer isn't formed overnight. There are many nights and days that go into the mix, filled with work, work, work. But if you love words and telling a story it won't seem like work at all. Even established authors need to use those four ingredients in order to produce their next piece of work. You are in good company."
Devil's Advocate-nya blogging: Quixtar Blog: Blogging 101 - You Don't Need a Blog
Quixtar Blog: Blogging 101 - You Don't Need a Blog: "But I don't want to meet other people, I just want a place to record my thoughts, you say. Awesome. Instead of spending $29.95 a month for broadband, $14.99 a month for web hosting, and $69.95 for a copy of Movable Type, take $1.50 and buy a notebook and a pen. They're age-old tools for creating what you really need: a journal. Let's say you're really pissed about what your boss said to you one day, or you secretly think your boyfriend is cheating on you. Are you going to write about that on the public web? Probably not. Every blogger self-censors no matter how tough they talk. So spend some time really getting things off your chest in a good old diary. Trust me, you'll feel better in the long run."
Logo Design by Got Logos - Custom Logo Design at Incredible Prices
Logo Design by Got Logos - Custom Logo Design at Incredible Prices
Pesan Design Logo di Internet: Logo Design by LogoWorks®
Logo Design by LogoWorks®
19 Mei 2005
Kiat praktis berpolitik: Politically Proactive
Politically Proactive: "Political competence isn't something you're born with, but a skill you learn. It's an out-in-the-open process of methodically mapping the political terrain, building coalitions, and leading them to get your idea adopted. Building a coalition lets you improve your chances of implementing your proposal, increases your chances for surviving any unintended consequences of your initiative, and enhances your position for pursuing future opportunities. Many of us absorb these things as we go, but a systematic approach can be helpful. Think of it as Brooklyn meets Harvard Business School. Here are a few ways to start learning those skills."
[Journey into Cyberworld] Yes, I've made improvement to being a better blogger!
Posted by Rio Menajang to Journey into Cyberworld at 5/19/2005 04:01:37 AM
[Journey into Cyberworld] This one of my entry on "43 Things"
So if one day you feel meaningless and do not know if life means anything to you or you do not mean anything in life, try to find this site http://www.43things.com and list those little and big thing you want to achieve in live. And the little and easy things can be done immidiately and you will feel a little joy, but it is joy nevertheless.
Posted by Rio Menajang to Journey into Cyberworld at 5/19/2005 03:54:31 AM
[Journey into Cyberworld] Sekali lagi mencoba email - blog1 - email - blog2
Ini merupakan percobaan kedua, setelah percobaan
pertama tidak berhasil. Meang ada kesalahan yang telah
dilakukan, setelah melakukan perbaikan, apakah akan
berjalan sesuai rencana?
Kita lihat.
Posted by Rio Menajang to Journey into Cyberworld at 5/19/2005 03:39:47 AM
Fwd: [Journey into Cyberworld] Mencoba rangkaian email - blog1 - email blog2
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rio Menajang <xxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com>
Date: May 19, 2005 3:42 AM
Subject: [Journey into Cyberworld] Mencoba rangkaian email - blog1 - email blog2
To: xxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com
Ini cuma hanya sekadar percobaan untuk mengetahui
rangkaian email ke blog yang di teruskan ke email lain
dan terus sampai ke blog yang lain. Entah bisa entah tidak.
Ini Percobaan Lagi saja
Mengapa Ini Jadi begini?
Sungguh iseng membuat ini, tidak ada lagi pekerjaan lain. Iseng banget
sih? Memang iseng kok. Jadi ini memang tidak tahu juga kenapa jadi
begini, tidak semua musti berlangsung dengan suatu alasan.
Sudah berkali, aku mendengar apa yang memang aku ingin dengar walau
kemudian ternyata sesungguhnya bukan itu yang dikatakan orang.
Kemampuan untuk mendengarkan dengan sungguh-sungguh dan bukan hanya
mendengar apa yang ingin kita dengarkan. Kita secara tidak sadar lebih
senang menipu diri kita, atau membiarkan diri kita tertipu, dari pada
mendengarkan hal yang tidak kita senangi.
Seharian ini aku bekerja keras, mencoba mempersiapkan modul pelatihan
"manajemen pelayanan publik yang responsif dan akuntabel: implementasi
janji pemilu". Itu pelatihan yang akan diselenggarakan minggu depan di
Solo dengan peserta dari 10 daerah untuk mencoba memperkenalkan
manajemen pelayanan publik yang tidak semata-mata mengulang-ulang apa
yang telah dilakukan tetapi yang mampu terus memperbaiki diri. Hal ini
dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan data dan informasi, kerenya menjadikan
manajemen publik yang berdasarkan fakta atau fact based public policy.
Dari berbagai pertemuan dengan para pejabat daerah memang mengherankan
bahwa birokrasi yang maha besar di Indonesia ini, bisa terus berjalan
dengan "mulus" sementara di lapangan banyak orang yang sesungguhnya
tidak mengetahui apa yang sedang mereka kerjakan. Hal ini nampak dari
ketidakmampuan untuk memperbaiki pekerjaan sehari-hari. Berbagai
tinjauan yang dilakukan, dan berbagai program yang dilaksanakan secara
keseluruhan tidak berhasil meningkatkan secara berarti kualitas
pelayanan publik dan kualitas kehidupan rakyat.
Apakah ini berarti aku yang kurang memahami dinamika birokrasi dan
masyarakat pada umumnya? Atau memang ini adalah peluang untuk
berkontribusi bagi kemajuan bangsa dengan memberikan masukan,
menerjemahkan berbagai modul pelatihan dan manajemen yang secara
internasional tersedia untuk ditiru dan mengaplikasikannya di
daerah-daerah yang tidak tersentuh oleh berbagai program yang besar
dan hebat-hebat itu.
18 Mei 2005
Romantis juga ya.
Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger: "I love Maryam
My wife, Maryam, reads my blog in between doing webcasts for MSDN. She read my latest post, turned to me while I was getting dressed and said 'a little self centered are we?'
Then, without missing a beat, she says 'how come there's always someone in one of my webcasts that knows you?'
I love my wife. Tears me down and builds me up all in 10 seconds."
Perencanaan dan Evaluasi On Line: Innovation Network
Kita perlu mendaftar dulu secara gratis, lalu mengisi segala informasi tentang organisasi kita dan semua program yang sedang dijalankan dan juga yang sedang direncanakan. Tetapi justru proses belajar dari situs ini rasanya lebih dari bahkan pelatihan maupun workshop yang berminggu-minggu.
Di sarankan untuk tidak bekerja sendiri, kita bisa mengundang beberapa kolega atau kawan kerja kita, sehingga bisa saling melengkapi dan saling mengajari.
Dahsyat lah ini.
Innovation Network: "What is Point K?
Point K Learning Center is a new online destination at www.innonet.org, featuring practical tools and resources for nonprofit planning, evaluation, and action. Point K gives nonprofits the know-how to conduct evaluation."
16 Mei 2005
Thirty - Eight Ways to Win an Argument, by Schopenhauer
htm: Thirty - Eight Ways to Win an Argument, by Schopenhauer: "11 If the opponent grants you the truth of some of your premises, refrain from asking him or her to agree to your conclusion.
Later, introduce your conclusions as a settled and admitted fact.
Your opponent and others in attendance may come to believe that your conclusion was admitted."
Financial Managemenr for Book Publishers in developing economies
Financial Managemenr for Book Publishers in developing economies: "Chris Conolly-Smith:
Financial Management for Book Publishers in Developing Market Economies"
Free On-Line Business and Management Development Program
Free On-Line Business and Management Development Program: "This complete, free, 'nuts and bolts' development program can be implemented:
* By professional and service organizations to promptly provide a business and management development program in their locale. (This program can be adopted 'as is' or modified. Guidelines are included herein for carrying out the program.)
* As a free, self-paced program for entrepreneurs, leaders and managers.
* As a free, self-paced program for trainers and developers to better understand basic systems and concepts in business. (In conjunction with this program, trainers and developers would also benefit from understanding the competencies needed to effectively consult to businesses, including by working from preferred business-oriented outcomes. The list at the following site may be very useful: Knowledge and Skills Necessary for Competence in Organization Development.)"
Contoh blog komunitas
Welcome to Backfence.com: "Welcome to Backfence. We’re now live in our first two communities. Come on in, take a look around, and join the conversation."
Free On-Line Nonprofit Organization and Management Development Program
* By service organizations to promptly provide a nonprofit and management development program in their locale -- this program can be adopted 'as is' or modified (guidelines are included herein for carrying out the program in a very low-cost, straightforward fashion)
* As a free, self-paced program for nonprofit entrepreneurs, leaders and managers
* As a free, self-paced program for consultants and volunteers to increase their understanding of nonprofit organizations and activities
Note that this program is non-degree-granting. However, service organizations that adopt this program to provide it in their locale may choose to include evaluation and certification for learners and, if so, guidelines for these activities are included herein, as well."
Learn in Freedom! Education Reform, Home-Schooling Resources
Learn in Freedom! Education Reform, Home-Schooling Resources: "This site is about learning in freedom, taking responsibility for your own learning. It shows you how to use your own initiative in learning, so you can use schools and teachers just when they are helpful to you, and voluntarily chosen by you. There's a specific page on this site to show you how to get started in learning in freedom, and there are plenty of other pages on this site about other subjects. To find a specific page on this Web site, you can keep on reading for more links from this home page, which links to the main pages on this site, or you can use the site map or the search links on the bottom of every page (and on the top of most pages) to help you find what you are looking for. Besides internal links, there are links to more than 1,000 other Web sites on this site's more than forty page"
Communications Projects Planning Guide: Basic Universal Questions
Communications Projects Planning Guide: Basic Universal Questions: "Answering these basic questions before you start your project is the most important step in the process. Think of it as having good drawings for a house you are going to build. A clear vision of what you want your project to be and achieve is essential to its success."
Temannya yang berikut ini juga musti di baca deh:
"Creative Services provides full-service publications planning and production. When you work with us you will be assigned a project manager who will guide you through the entire process and coordinate the efforts of all parties involved. Your project manager is a professional editor and can help you shape your message. Project management services are provided free of charge."
Coba posting lewat email .... Fwd: [iluni_fisip_ui] Selingan saja yah... Psikotes Cinta ... dari Friendster
Mencoba lagi forward dari email yang lain, ini aslinya dari milis juga sih.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Masmimar Mangiang <xxxxxxxx@cbn.net.id>
Date: May 11, 2005 3:23 AM
Subject: Re: [iluni_fisip_ui] Selingan saja yah... Psikotes Cinta ...
dari Friendster
To: Setiowati Hoetomo <xxxxxxxx@centrin.net.id>, henny prihartadi
<xxxxxx@jakarta.oilfield.slb.com>, rondang simatupang
<xxxxxxxxxx@yahoo.com>, tutuk eka primastuti <xxxxxxxxxx@yahoo.com>,
rio menajang <xxxxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com>
Aduuuuuuuh ...
Untung saya di nomor 3 ya.
Kalau Henny? Ketahuan deh kelainan Tyo.
He he he ...
From: "Setiowati Hoetomo" <t.hoetomo@centrin.net.id>
To: xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Fw: [iluni_fisip_ui] Selingan saja yah... Psikotes Cinta ...
dari Friendster
Date: Tue, May 10, 2005, 15:29
Haa.... ha.....
Gue iseng ngisi Psikotes Cinta yang dikirim Rio ke ke milis ILUNI FISIP UI.
Tahu nggak apa jawaban gue?
1. angka 1 (gue nggak tahu maksud ini apa ya?)
2. angka 9 (sama yang ini buant ngecoh kali ye?)
3. Mimar
4. Henny
5. Rondang
6. Tutuk
7. Rio
8. Air dan Api
9. When I'm Falling Love
10. This Masquerade
11. My Funny Valentine
Jadi rupanya berdasarkan psikotesnya Rio....
> 1.. Anda harus memberitahu ke orang
> yang anda
> tulis di No. 7 tentang psikotest ini.
Lha... wong yang ngasih tahu aja Rio ke gue...
> 2.. Orang yang anda tulis di No.3 adalah
> orang
> yang kamu cintai.
Oh... bang MM memang cintaku itu hanya untukmu koq!
> 3.. Orang yang anda tulis di No.7 adalah
> orang
> yang kamu suka, tetapi bertepuk sebelah
> tangan.
Rio kamu sih sukanya tepuk pakai sebelah tangan kalo tepuk pakai 2
tangan dong jadi kita bisa main tepok setan. :))
> 4.. Orang yang anda tulis di No.4 adalah
> orang
> yang anda rasa paling penting bagi anda.
Untung yang gue tulis Henny bukan Kruwel :)
> 5.. Orang yang anda tulis di No.5 adalah
> orang
> yang paling mengerti tentang anda.
Rondang apakah kau mengerti diriku?
> 6.. Orang yang anda tulis di No. 6 adalah
> orang
> yang membawa keberuntungan pada
> anda.
Tuk, tadi malem mimpi apa? kali aja mimpi lo kalo gue pasang di togel
bisa dapet untung he..he... :)
> 7.. Lagu yang anda tulis di no. 8 adalah
> lagu yang
> ditujukan untuk orang No.3
Kayaknya ini emang cocok nih sebagai lagu gue dan MM. Seperti NAIF
bilang "Mengapa kita saling membenci... Awalnya kita saling memberi
..." he..he... :)
Tapi liriknya harus diganti. Mengapa kita saling mencela... Awalnya
kita saling mencela juga.... he..he...
> 8.. Lagu yang anda tulis di no.9 adalah
> lagu yang
> ditujukan untuk orangNo.7
When I'm Falling Love buat Rio... boleh juga tuh! Jangan ketahuan
Paula ya, Ri... hi...hi.. :)
> 9.. Lagu yang anda tulis di no.10 adalah
> lagu yang
> melukiskan apa yang ada di hati anda.
This Masquerade lagu yang melukiskan hati gue... tukang tepu kalee
yeeee.... Padahal nama gue bukan Tuti lho... tapi Tyo. .... Onta! :)
> 10.. Terakhir, lagu yang anda tulis di
> No.11 adalah
> lagu yang melukiskan hidup anda.
Gue kan emang Funny Valentine ya... cocok dah.. ha..ha... :)
> JITU ??????
> Anda harus mengirimkan email ini ke 10
> orang dalam waktu 1 jam. Dengan begitu,
> permohonan anda akan dikabulkan.
> Kalau anda
> tidak mengirimkannya, niscaya
> permohonan anda
> akan terjadi yang sebaliknya
Fwd: Re: [Swara_Maharddhika] To Na Krit juga (nyoba forward dr email lain)
Mau coba dari email lain dan untuk forward nih.
--- Ferial Fahmi wrote:
> To: Swara_Maharddhika@yahoogroups.com
> From: Ferial Fahmi
> Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 20:45:51 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: Re: [Swara_Maharddhika] To Na Krit juga
> Na....
> kapan main kerumah....
> salam
> F
> --- "Elmo S. Hillyawan" <xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Hai Nakrit,
> > Ini gue juga mau bantuin kirim e-mail. He he he
> > Spesial buat NAKRIT...
> > Apa kabar Nana???? Terahir ketemu di Hero BArito
> ya.
> > Okey Na, gw doain semoga Nana & Jade baik2 , sehat
> &
> > hepi selalu ya.Amin
> > Bye Nana.....
> > dari: Elmo
> >
Wow, mudahnya posting lewat email!!!!
Untuk pengguna Blogger, ternyata mudah sekali posting lewat email!!!!
1. Masuk ke dashboard:
2. pilih "setting"
3. pada "mail to blogger address" ada "username_kamu.<isi yang ini
lebih dari 4 huruf>@blogger .com
4. catat alamat email ini selengkapnya.
5. jangan lupa klik "save changes"
Untuk memposting lewat email:
1. buat email yang ditujukan pada alamat "mail to blogger"-mu
2. subyek pada email akan menjadi "judul" posting-mu
3. ketik posting yang kamu kehendaki
4. untuk mencegah tambahan email (pesan sponsor dan macam2 itu) pada
akhir emailmu ketikan "# e n d" tanpa tanda kutip dan spasi. #end
Mencoba posting dari email
Sedang mencoba teknik untuk posting dengan mengirimkan email. Kalau
berhasil kemungkinan bagus juga sih untuk bisa mengirimkan atau
posting dari warnet yang lelet tanpa perlu membuka dashboard blogger.
Ini juga musti aku jajagi lebih jauh lagi pengembangkan
Sampai di sini dulu, karena aku ingin melihat hasilnya segera.
15 Mei 2005
Cellphone overuse leads to premature aging? - Engadget - www.engadget.com
Cellphone overuse leads to premature aging? - Engadget - www.engadget.com: "Scientists at Cairo University found the short and micro wave exposure causes damage to human cells — particularly red blood cells and their enzymes. The 15-year study found that, over time, those who work and dwell in areas of high electromagnetic and electric fields suffered affected liver enzymes, glands, muscles, hormone balance, heart and bone marrow, and basically exhibited health problems associated with old age. They advised the public to limit their usage of mobiles whenever possible, and advised re-setting international safe limits for exposure with use of microwaves and related technologies. Doesn’t scare us, mind you — we’ve been employing the trademarked Engadget tin foil hat technique since the late 80’s, when it began as a mere fashion trend. Who knew it could help preserve our youthful good looks?"
12 Mei 2005
Resource guide - Creating a business plan
Resource guide - Creating a business plan: "The essence of a business plan is this: finding out where you’re going and how you’ll get there. This sounds very simple but putting together the plan is rarely easy. This Internet resource guide is designed to aid you in your search for a plan. It is for the use of entrepreneurs looking to start a business, established businesses that are seeking to define their direction and even for the non-profit organization that is seeking outside funding. Also included in this guide is a section for people doing business in Maine.
Keep in mind through the hard work of planning, that people who write down their goal’s accomplish them better than 90% of the time; those who don’t, less than half the time. "
How to Search for MP3s using Google - Automated!
How to Search for MP3s using Google - Automated!: "Type in the name of an artist or song here, and then click search. All of the various parameters will be automatically added for you."
Blogaholics: "You know you're a blogaholic when you jump up from your favourite show during the commercials to get back to your blogging."
08 Mei 2005
Perlu untuk search engine
» Where to Put Keywords on your Blog: ProBlogger: "Where to Put Keywords on your Blog
Getting your blog ranked highly in Search Engines can be a complicated task - so can sifting through all the theories being espoused by SEO ‘experts’. Everyone has their theory. As a result I like it when people put together simple well thought out lists that even a non technical person like myself can get his head around at the end of a hard week’s blogging.
SEO and Online marketing have put together a helpful list of 8 places to put your keywords in your blog if you want the Search Engines to look favorably upon you. Being smart about using keywords (the words you want people to find your blog with in Search Engines) - is generally accepted as important factor in SEO.
Here’s the list (each point is expanded upon in their post):
1. Use Your Keywords in Text Links for ALL Links - Inbound and Outbound.
2. Use Your Keywords in the Page’s Title Tag.
3. Put Your Keyword in Your Description Tag.
4. Place Your Keywords in a Keywords Tag.
5. Make Sure You Use Your Keyword in Your Heading Tags.
6. Put Your Keywords in Bold Text in Several Places on the Page.
7. Use Your Keyword in Text Early - and Often.
8. Use Your Keywords in Alt Tags."
07 Mei 2005
Bulletin Board Friendster lagi .....
Bulletin Board: "Tes Psikotest Cinta......
[Percaya ngga percaya gue kena junk
Message: Guys.....u must try this....this is
really cool...tapi
kalian bener2 jangan ngeliat
jawabannya di
bawah ya...loe ikutin aja instruksi2nya,
deh bakal kaget loe liat hasilnya, gue aja
terheran2 dan geleng2 kepala......tapi
jangan lama2, apa yang ada di hati loe
tapi bukan berarti asal2an
Psikotest ini diambil dari email internet,
diterjemahkan oleh orang tersebut dari
asalnya Japanese. Anda akan
menemukan hasil
yang sangat mengejutkan. Orang yang
game ini, konon sesudah membaca mail
harapannya dapat terkabul. Pasti anda
terkejut melihat hasilnya.!!!
Cuma janji dulu, JANGAN MEMBACA
Pertama-tama siapkan bolpen dan kertas.
Waktu memilih nama, anda harus
memilih orang
yang anda kenal. Jangan terlalu banyak
tulislah apa yang ada di kepala anda.
INGAT : Maju satu paragraf per paragraf.
Kalau anda membaca kelanjutannya,
anda tidak akan terkabul.
1.. Pertama-tama tulis angka 1 sampai
sebelas di
kertas anda secara vertikal (atas ke bawah)
2.. Tulis angka yang paling kamu senang
11) disebelah angka No.1 dan 2
3.. Tulis 2 nama orang (lawan jenis) yang
kenal, masing-masing di No.3 dan No.7
4.. Tulis 3 nama orang yang kamu kenal
di No.4, 5,
dan 6. Disini kamu boleh menulis nama
orang di
keluarga, teman, kenalan. Siapapun OK.
harus yang kamu kenal
5.. Di no.8, 9, 10 dan 11 kamu tulis nama
lagu yang berbeda-beda
6.. Terakhir, tulis kamu punya
minta permohonan)
NAH......... dibawah ini ada jawaban dari
nya mudah-mudahan cocok jawabannya.
1.. Anda harus memberit"
Dari Friendster ...bagus juga lho
Bulletin Board: "Seperti biasa Rudi, Kepala Cabang di sebuah
perusahaan swasta terkemuka di Jakarta, tiba di
rumahnya pada pukul 9 malam.
Tidak seperti biasanya,
Imron, putra pertamanya yang baru duduk di kelas
tiga SD yang membukakan pintu. Ia nampaknya
sudah menunggu cukup lama.
'Kok, belum tidur?' sapa Rudi sambil mencium
anaknya. Biasanya, Imron memang sudah lelap
ketika ia pulang dan baru terjaga ketika ia akan
berangkat ke kantor pagi hari.
Sambil membuntuti sang ayah menuju ruang
keluarga, Imron menjawab, 'Aku
nunggu Ayah pulang. Sebab aku mau tanya berapa
sih gaji Ayah?'
'Lho, tumben, kok nanya gaji Ayah? Mau minta
uang lagi, ya?'
'Ah, enggak. Pengen tahu aja.'
'Oke. Kamu boleh hitung sendiri. Setiap hari Ayah
bekerja sekitar 10 jam dan dibayar Rp 400.000,-.
Dan setiap bulan rata-rata dihitung 22 hari kerja.
Sabtu dan minggu libur, kadang sabtu Ayah masih
lembur. Jadi, gaji Ayah dalam satu bulan berapa,
Imron berlari mengambil kertas dan pensilnya dari
meja belajar, sementara ayahnya melepas sepatu
dan menyalakan televisi.
Ketika Rudi beranjak menuju kamar untuk berganti
pakaian, Imron berlari mengikutinya. 'Kalau satu
hari ayah dibayar Rp 400.000,- untuk 10 jam,
berarti satu jam ayah digaji Rp 40.000,- dong,'
'Wah, pinter kamu. Sudah, sekarang cuci kaki,
bobok,'perintah Rudi.Tetapi Imron tak beranjak.
Sambil menyaksikan ayahnya berganti pakaian,
Imron kembali bertanya, 'Ayah, aku boleh pinjam
uang Rp.5.000,- nggak?'
'Sudah, nggak usah macam-macam lagi. Buat apa
minta uang malam-malam begini?
Ayah capek. Dan mau mandi dulu. Tidurlah.
'Tapi, Ayah...' Kesabaran Rudi habis. 'Ayah
bilang tidur!' hardiknya mengejutkan Imron. Anak
kecil itu pun berbalik menuju kamarnya.
Usai mandi, Rudi nampak menyesali hardikannya.
Ia pun menengok Imron di kamar tidurnya.
Anak kesayangannya itu belum tidur. Imron
didapatinya sedang terisak-isak pelan sambil
03 Mei 2005
Action research resources
Action research resources: "This is the “front page” of a substantial action research site. The links below will take you to some of the other parts of the site, and some of its associated resources"
Rancang bangun usaha saat ini: The Business of Design
The Business of Design: "And that, Martin claims, means traditional organizations must reinvent themselves to perform more like design shops. In this new world, there are fewer fixed, permanent assignments. Instead, work flows from project to project, and people organize their lives around their projects, just as in a design shop. Accenture, for example, is more efficient in part because it's a project-based organization -- it doesn't staff up for things that aren't projects, and it doesn't allow projects to become permanent.
Design-influenced companies also understand their customers at a profound level and mobilize around that insight. The Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts' detailed study of customers led it to conclude that it could win by offering first-class service, and so it invested enormously in recruitment and training. The chain visualized the desired outcome -- 'make people feel great' -- and reinvented itself to deliver an exceptional 'user' experience.
Organizations that embrace a design-based strategy also employ the practice of rapid prototyping. Whereas conventional companies won't bring a product to market until it's 'just right,' the design shop is unafraid to move when the product is unfinished but 'good enough.' Designers learn by doing: They identify weaknesses and make midflight corrections along the way.
Design's powerful impact on business strategy will require a whole new way of thinking. Martin asserts that traditional companies 'reward two types of logic: inductive (proving that something actually operates) and deductive (proving that something must be).' Designers combine inductive and deductive reasoning to create a fresh approach -- abductive thinking -- which Martin defines as 'suggesting that something may be and reaching out to explore it.' Instead of acting on what's certain, designers bet on what's probable. Companies such as Apple act like design shops by saying, 'If everything must be proven, we'll never make the likes of "