15 September 2005

Delegasi dan pemantauan

Kalau kamu punya anak buah, atau anggota, atau apa lah dan kamu kerap membagi pekerjaan (kerennya mendelegasikan), bagian yang jarang dibicarakan adalah bagaimana memastikan bahwa pekerjaan yang dibagi/diperintahkan/didelegasikan benar-benar terselesaikan.

Artikel yang dikutip di bawah ini, memberi satu (satu saja dari banyak) solusi. Masih merupakan turunan dari GTD (getting things done).

Working Smart: Automated Email Follow-up
Working Smart: Automated Email Follow-up: "Delegation is a method for managers to get more work done. But if we don’t follow-up, we’ve only deceived ourselves, thinking that more work is getting done. The only way to really change this is to create a culture of follow-up (more about that in a future post) and be relentless with it.
... ...
Let’s assume it’s the latter. You forward the e-mail to the appropriate person and ask them to follow-up. But here’s where the system breaks down. We all know that some people are better at follow-up than others. With a few people, I can check it off my list (and dump it from my mind) when I make the assignment. But for all others, I either have to write the assignment down somewhere and then review this list regularly or I have to just trust that they will follow-up and hope for the best. As someone once told me, “hope is not a strategy.”"

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