22 Agustus 2006

Teknologi militer masa depan

Habis baca artikel/berita di Kompas tadi tentang kondisi peralatan persenjataan TNI terus membaca artikel yang di kutip di bawah ini. Walah gimana juga membandingkannya. Tetapi yang jauh lebih penting adalah bahkan keunggulan teknologi seperti ini hanyalah subsistem dari sistem pertahanan yang lebih luas, bahwa bahkan dalam teori dasar ilmu pertahanan postur persenjataan ditentukan oleh antara lain oleh doktrin yang pada gilirannya merupakan fungsi dari persepsi ancaman.

Kemampuan untuk berpikir sistematis bahkan dalam bidang yang katanya merupakan ujung tombak modernisasi (kan memang ada model modernisasi yang melihat peran pengorganisasian tentara/pertahanan aebagai ujung tombak pengorganisasian modern masyarakat). Pokoknya ternyata organisasi pertahanan Indonesia (TNI + Dephan + juga parlemen dengan komisi terkaitnya + juga sektor sipil penunjangnya) ternyata tidak mampu menerapkan analisis yang komprehensif terhadap pengmabilan keputusan untuk dirinya.

Howstuffworks "How Future Combat Systems Will Work"
The Future Combat Systems (FCS) initiative is a massive overhaul of military technology intended to prepare the U.S. Army for modern warfare. Current projections suggest that it will be the most expensive military project in U.S. history and will take decades to design and complete. Creating the hardware, software, networks and integration necessary to make FCS work is an incredibly complicated project.

The Army wants to dominate the full-spectrum battlefield – land, sea and air. To accomplish this, it will need several different types of units. The Army must also link its operations with that of the other military branches, and the militaries of other nations that might join them in a coalition operation.

FCS is a "system of systems," because it actually comprises 18 separate systems. Each system is a type of unit, such as an unmanned artillery vehicle, a manned tank or a command and control vehicle. FCS is also sometimes called "18+1+1," where the "+1"s represent the network and the soldier who will utilize the systems. If the Army were simply revamping their military hardware and designing 18 new combat and logistics units, that would be a major project by itself. Designing all 18 from the ground up with the architecture to link every unit makes FCS truly revolutionary.

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