15 April 2005

Slashdot | Mapping the Mind --- Know Thyself --- kenalilah dirimu

Wah ini mustinya menarik yah ... mengenali prosesor yang ada dalam diri manusia, dengan mencoba juga menguraikan operating system berikut berbagai aplikasi yang berkerja di sana.

Slashdot | Mapping the Mind: "''Gnothi seauton' was the precept inscribed in gold letter upon the temple of the Oracle of Delphi. The authorship of this famous maxim was ascribed to every great Greek philosopher, from Pythagoras to Socrates. According to Juvenal, this precept descended from heaven. It is immensely strange, then, that most people, including you, my dear reader, never really make the effort to 'know thyself.' The number of misconceptions, superstitions and myths that we spread about ourselves is indeed astonishing. Fortunately for you, someone else has already taken the time to understand you and present the results in entertaining, easily digestible, but at the same time scientifically rigorous format. Let me introduce Mapping the Mind by Rita Carter, an illustrated user manual to the software that runs inside our skulls -- the human mind.'"

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