18 Maret 2005

Rahasia bikin E-Newsletter (perusahaan) yang sukses

Search engine optimization and Online marketing: The 4 Secrets to an Effective E-Newsletter: "The 4 Secrets to an Effective E-Newsletter


Make it Useful. With a business to business newsletter in particular, it's difficult to get any traction with readers if you don't give them some kind of actionable 'aha' with every issue you send. They are barraged with emails, and eager to click the delete button as often as possible.

Your goal therefore, is to give them pause. To make them live in fear that if they delete your newsletter, they will miss some insight that would have made a significant impact on their success. Useful information rises to the top of the pile, and when your newsletter is on top, you need not worry about how big the pile is.

Make it Interesting. I don't know who started the rumor that significant and profitable businesses must also be serious and boring, but it seems to have caught on nonetheless. That's good news for you and me. Because with all the dry as dust E-Newsletters out there, all trying to sound like the front page of the Wall Street Journal, we can make our newsletters shine with little effort.

Personal anecdotes, conversational language and the occasional joke here and there will keep your readers involved long enough for them to hear the 'real' information you're trying to give them. They probably won't read it just because it's interesting, but they certainly won't read it if it's not.

Make it Simple. An effective newsletter isn't a doctoral thesis; it's not even a case study. It's what I like to call, 'a nugget.' One insight or tip or concept that your readers can take in, understand, and hopefully remember long enough to put into practice. If you give me too much information (even if it's good), I'm likely to stockpile your newsletters until I delete them in one, 'I'll never get around to reading these old ones anyway' frenzy. Give your readers so"

Memang kutipan di atas itu untuk komunikasi perusahaan, tapi buat blog yang tidak menjadi media ekspresi dan kreasi (yang rumusnya beda kali ya) dan bertujuan untuk mengkomunikasikan hal-hal tertentu maka petunjuk di atas pantas untuk diperhatikan.

Pertama, harus ada yang bermanfaat bagi pengguna atau tamu; ke dua, harus menarik yakni membutuhkan keahlian "copywriting" agar terlihat/terbaca menarik; ke tiga, sederhana karena ini bukan tesis doktor; ke empat, bikin otentik yaitu ada kepribadian unik sesuai citra perusahaan.

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