21 September 2005

Worm Virus ngaku Yahoo!

Aku belakangan ini sering menerima email dari yang ngaku Yahoo! Bilang macem-macem lah, account di block lah, password diganti lah, selalu dengan attachment. Email ini jatuh ke "bulk" sih, jadi karena curiga dan takut juga dong kalau bener (entar banyak site gak bisa di monitor lagi), aku kontak Yahoo!.
Kutipan balasannya di bawah. Tapi singkatnya itu BOHONG, dan memang virus jadi lebih baik tidak dibuka, bahkan jangan sampai dibuka.

Please know that if you have received a virus infected email appearing to have been sent from a Yahoo! support address claiming:
* Your account will be suspended
* Your password will be updated
* You have committed an online violation
* You have reached account limits
or something similar to this list, the message you have received is a hoax originated by someone other than Yahoo!. This is a tactic being used by virus writers to entice you to download the included attachment and contract a virus. Your account will not incur any changes under these circumstances.
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