Bank Dunia baru saja meluncurkan informasi ini (September 2006). Menarik untuk diperhatikan bahwa dalam perspektif Bank Dunia, korupsi hanyalah satu dimensi saja dari persoalan governance (tata-pemerintahan) yang lebih luas.
This page presents the updated aggregate governance research indicators for 213 countries for 1996-2005, for six dimensions of governance:
* Voice and Accountability
* Political Stability and Absence of Violence
* Government Effectiveness
* Regulatory Quality
* Rule of Law
* Control of Corruption
The data and methodology used to construct the indicators are described in "Governance Matters V: Governance Indicators for 1996 - 2005." The data can be accessed interactively through the links on the right of this page.
Source: WBI Governance & Anti-Corruption - Governance Indicators: 1996-2005
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