03 Mei 2005

Rancang bangun usaha saat ini: The Business of Design

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The Business of Design: "And that, Martin claims, means traditional organizations must reinvent themselves to perform more like design shops. In this new world, there are fewer fixed, permanent assignments. Instead, work flows from project to project, and people organize their lives around their projects, just as in a design shop. Accenture, for example, is more efficient in part because it's a project-based organization -- it doesn't staff up for things that aren't projects, and it doesn't allow projects to become permanent.

Design-influenced companies also understand their customers at a profound level and mobilize around that insight. The Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts' detailed study of customers led it to conclude that it could win by offering first-class service, and so it invested enormously in recruitment and training. The chain visualized the desired outcome -- 'make people feel great' -- and reinvented itself to deliver an exceptional 'user' experience.

Organizations that embrace a design-based strategy also employ the practice of rapid prototyping. Whereas conventional companies won't bring a product to market until it's 'just right,' the design shop is unafraid to move when the product is unfinished but 'good enough.' Designers learn by doing: They identify weaknesses and make midflight corrections along the way.

Design's powerful impact on business strategy will require a whole new way of thinking. Martin asserts that traditional companies 'reward two types of logic: inductive (proving that something actually operates) and deductive (proving that something must be).' Designers combine inductive and deductive reasoning to create a fresh approach -- abductive thinking -- which Martin defines as 'suggesting that something may be and reaching out to explore it.' Instead of acting on what's certain, designers bet on what's probable. Companies such as Apple act like design shops by saying, 'If everything must be proven, we'll never make the likes of "

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