Form of government - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Beyond official typologies it is important to think about regime types by looking at the general attributes of the forms of government [2]:1. plurality (most votes wins) - known as "First past the post" (U.K)
- 1. Traditional (clan or kinship) or modern (bureaucracies)
- 2. Personalistic (North Korea) or impersonal (Germany)
- 3. Totalitarian (Communist Russia), Authoritarian (Zimbabwe) or Democratic (Belgium)
- 4. Elections (US) or heredity (Brunei)
- 5. Direct (Mexico) or indirect elections (Electoral College in the US)
- 6. Secular (European Union) or non-secular (Iran)
- 7. Division of powers, such as executive, judicial, and legislative boxes (India) or absence of division of powers (Peru under Fujimori).
- 8. Parliamentarian (Greece), Presidential (USA) or Monarchical (UK).
- 9. Number of people in the Executive power (Switzerland has 7, France 2, US 1).
- 10. Composition of the legislative power (autocratic, unicameral, bicameral...)
- 11. Number of coalitions or party-appointed legislators in Assemblies
- 12. Federal (Argentina) or Unitary (France, China)
- 13. Rules of the electoral system:
2. majoritarian (50% + 1 vote), including run-off elections (Argentina, France)
3. supermajoritarian (usually from 55% to 75% - there is a 60% cloture rule in the U.S. Senate, and there was a 55% independence vote for Montenegro)
4. unanimity - (100% votes wins) (such as for the board of directors of a company)
- 14. Type of economic system
- 15. Prevalent ideologies and cultures
- 16. Strong institutional capacity (US) or weak capacity (Iraq)
- 17. Legitimate (South Africa) or illegitimate (former communist Romania)
- 18. De facto (effective control) or De jure (nominal control) of government
- 19. Sovereign (US), semi-sovereign (Puerto Rico), or not sovereign (Chechnya)
- 20. Racial segregation (Rhodesia) or desegregation