20 Juni 2006

Situs Fraksi PDI-Perjuangan (koreksi kali yah)

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Fraksi PDI-Perjuangan DPR-RI

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Situs Fraksi PDI-Perjuangan DPR-RI


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Membuat website (dan blog) yang baik

While the process of building a website can sometimes be long and complicated, ensuring a successful project is absolutely within grasp. Having an understanding of some foundational principles will certainly get you on the right track, and we are here to help. Thus the reason we have created 5 things you can do to build a better website.


50 ways to become a better designer

The way you work can have a huge impact on your creative success. We present the best advice from leading designers on every stage of the creative process, so that you can keep clients satisfied and make the most of your talents


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19 Juni 2006

18 Juni 2006

Juwono Sudarsono : integrity in the strict sense

Menteri Pertahanan punya blog!

Juwono Sudarsono : integrity in the strict sense: "It's a measure of our times of political transition that the debate about Pancasila as state identity (dasar negara) continues even after President Yudhoyono's reaffirmation of the precepts as the 'fundamental basis of our national life' on June 1, 2006, at the 61st anniversary of the birth of Pancasila speech proclaimed by the late President Soekarno on June 1, 1945, a few months before Indonesia's declaration of independence on August 17, 1945. President Yudhoyono emphasized the need to fulfill the basic consensus since 1945: Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, The Unitary State of Indonesia, Diversity in Unity."

16 Juni 2006

Alternatif menyimpan foto di alam maya

Banyak cara untuk kita menyimpan (dan menampilkan) foto di alam maya. Beberapa posting terdahulu memanfaatkan picasa untuk langsung membuat posting, penyimpanan foto dilakukan oleh picasa, yang masih satu grup dengan google dan blogger sendiri. Kesulitannya adalah kita tidak bisa menggunakan foto yang sama untuk posting yang lain, atau pun menempatkan foto yang sama di posting yang lain. Untuk hal ini bisa kita menyimpan secara tersendiri, meng-'upload' sendiri foto kita.

Salah satu jasa penyimpanan gambar (khusus untuk ditampilkan di blog atau web-page) adalah All you can upload dari Webshot. Foto di bawah ini adalah contohnya:

<a href="http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/viewimage?imageID=1856771936146015572"><img src="http://aycu22.webshots.com/image/941/1856771936146015572_th.jpg" alt="Free Image Hosting at allyoucanupload.com"/></a>

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Sarah bersiap tampil di acara perpisahan sekolah

Originally uploaded by rio menajang1.
Ini foto persiapan sarah untuk mentas dalam acara 'penglepasan'[sic] tk-nya. Sebentar lagi dia sudah akan menjadi murid SD.

14 Juni 2006

Sarah dancing

Originally uploaded by rio menajang1.
Dalam acara perpisahan sekolahnya .......

Tua lebih gembira ....

In fact, the study finds, both young people and older people think that young people are happier than older people — when in fact research has shown the opposite. And while both older and younger adults tend to equate old age with unhappiness for other people, individuals tend to think they’ll be happier than most in their old age.

In other words, the young Pete Townshend may have thought others of his generation would be miserable in old age. And now that he’s 61, he might look back and think he himself was happier back then. But the opposite is likely to be true: Older people “mis-remember” how happy they were as youths, just as youths “mis-predict” how happy (or unhappy) they will be as they age.

13 Juni 2006

Aduhhhh eh

data dan aplikasi dlm USB

Portable applications and creative uses for USB drives
and other external hard drives have come a long way in the last year or so. Today I'll go over some of the more practical uses and techniques for managing your data on the go with a portable drive.

Penguasa jagad raya saat ini

Ini ada hasil riset siapa sesungguhnya yang menguasai dunia saat ini. Aku sendiri sih belum baca, download aja belum kok. Tapi kan ini buat nyatet aja ya.

Who Rules the World? World Powers and International Order

International relations are in a state of flux. With new powers rising and globalization intensifying the question of today is how the international system will be able to balance old and new power aspirations while simultaneously managing global interdependence.

To answer this question as well as to contribute to the development of effective strategies for Europe´s future role in world affairs the Bertelsmann Stiftung has established the Global Policy Council. The Council brings together international renowned experts from different angles and backgrounds. Among the supporters of the Global Policy Council are former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan´s former Special Advisor Lakhdar Brahimi, and the former Chilean President Lagos Escobar.

05 Juni 2006

RedOrbit - Science - Ethanol Dazzles Wall Street, White House

RedOrbit - Science - Ethanol Dazzles Wall Street, White House: "Inside the ethanol plant, corn is ground and mixed with water to make mash. It is heated and mixed with enzymes to convert starch into sugar and fermented with yeast to make alcohol - just like making moonshine. Hanging in the air around the 500,000-gallon fermenting tanks is the smell of sweet, white wine.

The mixture is kept just below 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Yeast seem happier below that temperature, general manager Owen Shunkwiler hollers over the hum. Shunkwiler works for South Dakota-based Broin Companies, which invested in Tall Corn and is responsible for its operations.

After fermentation, the mixture is boiled to remove water, then dehydrated to boost the alcohol content. Before leaving the plant, a denaturant, or poison, is added to make the alcohol unfit for drinking. Then the ethanol is ready for shipping to fuel storage terminals that will blend it with gasoline as it goes into trucks for distribution to gas stations.

Also yielded in the process is livestock feed. Corn kernels minus the starch are left over - think South Beach for cows. Every 56-pound bushel makes about 17.4 pounds of grain feed, according to the Agriculture Department.

Tall Corn produces 150,000 gallons of ethanol each day, enough to power an estimated 272 cars for an entire year if they ran o"

Catatan tentang proses jagung - etanol - bio-disel.

04 Juni 2006

Keluarga besar ber-"kodak" ria

 Posted by Picasa

Devon - Eke

Nikah ..... Posted by Picasa

Masih Pernikahan Devon dan Eke

Masih tentang pernikahan Devon dan Eke .... beberapa foto berikut juga kali ya. Posted by Picasa

Sarah jadi pengiring pengantin ....

Waktu pernikahan Devon......... Posted by Picasa

PhotoBloging dengan Picasa

Menempatkan photo ke blog dengan Picasa dan Blogger ternyata sangat mudah, tidak perlu memikirkan hosting khusus untuk foto dan juga cukup satu langkah saja. Memang dengan koneksi yang tidak terlalu cepat terasa lambat sekali, tetapi kalau pun kita harus menempatkan foto di internet dengan cara lain (upload) waktu yang lama juga dibutuhkan. Posted by Picasa

03 Juni 2006

A VC: VC Cliché of the Week

A VC: VC Cliché of the Week: "Make sure to ask for advice from a VC before you want their money. Don't ask for money first. Because the best way to raise money is to ask for advice and the best way to get advice is to ask for money"

Mau membuka usaha dan perlu pendanaan? Ini nasihat bagus yang perlu diperhatikan.

Mix Mastery

Mix Mastery: "Handcrafted cocktails, once a lost art, have resurfaced as absurdist comedy, with top-shelf bartenders--'cocktail consultants' in this brave new world--making thousands of dollars a day peddling the likes of the Earl Grey MarTEAni (tea-infused gin, egg white, lemon juice, and simple syrup) or the 'sake martini with lychee puree and muddled cucumbers.' The things fetch up to $20 apiece (versus the $5 or $6 cost of ingredients and labor), so it's no wonder restaurants are desperate to sign up anyone who can juice their cocktail menu's overall vibe. No surprise either that hard-liquor sales at bars and restaurants are up about 40% over the past five years, according to industry tracker Adams Beverage Group."

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