30 Juni 2005
Ini dari Zoto - buat foto sih+++
29 Juni 2005
I am living there :-)
Spend most of my life here, so it will be an honour to help people considering to come here. You are all welcome!
See more progress on: Jakarta
For a fee, some blogs boost firms - The Boston Globe - Boston.com - Technology - Business
Dengan tingginya tingkat pemakaian internet di AS dan besarnya populeritas blog tidak mengherankan ada yang menggunakannya untuk kepentingan komersial, dengan menjadikannya sarana beriklan secara terselubung. Berhasilnya taktik seperti ini karena sifat blog yagn dinilai 'personal' berbeda dengan iklan yang 'korporat', saat korporasi adalah bagian dari segmen yang sedang merosot tingkat kepercayaan dari masyarakat tidak mengherankan blog yang dianggap bukan dari perusahaan ini mendapat perhatian dan dipercaya sebagai referensi untuk membuat keputusan dalam berbelanja. Bagian lain artikel juga menunjuk pada kemungkinan hal serupa berlangsung dalam dunia politik, yakni blog yang mempengaruhi preferensi politik orang, sehingga hal itu menjadi perhatian KPU-nya AS, FEC (Federal Election COmmision).
For a fee, some blogs boost firms - The Boston Globe - Boston.com - Technology - Business: "Dot Flowers's ad agency paid Cutler $5 this spring to promote the florist and put a link to its website on his blog, or online journal, short for web log. Cutler, who does not disclose the payment on his blog, is one of more than 2,000 bloggers whom marketer USWeb enlisted to hawk products and services. That helped the nascent florist double its sales in the first three months and shoot up near the top of Google's search list, according to USWeb.
Yes, corporate America has discovered the blog and found that the grass-roots medium for supposedly unadulterated opinions is also a powerful marketing tool in a country where about 37 million Americans read these online journals. Even the state of Pennsylvania has joined in, offering free vacations to people who blog on its tourism site."
For a fee, some blogs boost firms - The Boston Globe - Boston.com - Technology - Business: "Dot Flowers's ad agency paid Cutler $5 this spring to promote the florist and put a link to its website on his blog, or online journal, short for web log. Cutler, who does not disclose the payment on his blog, is one of more than 2,000 bloggers whom marketer USWeb enlisted to hawk products and services. That helped the nascent florist double its sales in the first three months and shoot up near the top of Google's search list, according to USWeb.
Yes, corporate America has discovered the blog and found that the grass-roots medium for supposedly unadulterated opinions is also a powerful marketing tool in a country where about 37 million Americans read these online journals. Even the state of Pennsylvania has joined in, offering free vacations to people who blog on its tourism site."
27 Juni 2005
Mencoba W.blogger
Aplikasi yang terpasang di komputer kita membuat kiriman (posting) sangat mudah. Bisa diperoleh di sini
26 Juni 2005
Situs baruku ---> Berlatih Main Blog
Aku bikin lagi situs blog baru, sekalian sambil belajar mengotakatik template dan tampilan.
Berlatih Main Blog: "Blog ini aku buat untuk berlatih main blog(ger) seperti judul blog ini. Setelah beberapa waktu berkenalan dengan blog dan mencoba beberapa alat/fasilitas untuk membuat blog aku menilai Blogger cukup mudah untukku yang tidak punya pengetahuan pemrograman sama sekali."
Berlatih Main Blog: "Blog ini aku buat untuk berlatih main blog(ger) seperti judul blog ini. Setelah beberapa waktu berkenalan dengan blog dan mencoba beberapa alat/fasilitas untuk membuat blog aku menilai Blogger cukup mudah untukku yang tidak punya pengetahuan pemrograman sama sekali."
22 Juni 2005
New Scientist Breaking News - Orgasms: a real ���turn-off��� for women
Wah, bakal rame nih, kalau ada berita mengandung unsur seks kan biasanya jadi rame. Ini hasil penelitian ilmiah mengungkapkan bahwa pada saat orgasme perempuan itu justru kehilangan emosi. Tetapi sebaliknya, ada pendapat umum yang dikuatkan bahwa perempuan harus merasa lepas dari tekanan (santai) untuk bisa mencapai orgasme. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 21 perempuan dengan pasangannya, dengan memantau aktifitas otak mereka.
New Scientist Breaking News - Orgasms: a real ���turn-off��� for women: "For women, it seems, sex is a big turn-off, reveals a brain scanning study. It shows that many areas of the brain switch off during the female orgasm - including those involved with emotion.
���At the moment of orgasm, women do not have any emotional feelings,��� says Gert Holstege of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands.
His team recruited 13 healthy heterosexual women and their partners. The women were asked to lie with their heads in a PET scanner while the team compared their brain activity in four states: simply resting, faking an orgasm, having their clitoris stimulated by their partner���s fingers, and clitoral stimulation to the point of orgasm.
The results of the study are striking. As the women were stimulated, activity rose in one sensory part of the brain, called the primary somatosensory cortex, but fell in the amygdala and hippocampus, areas involved in alertness and anxiety. During orgasm, activity fell in many more areas of the brain, including the prefrontal cortex, compared with the resting state, Holstege told a meeting of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Development in Copenhagen on Monday.
In one sense the findings appear to confirm what is already known, that women cannot enjoy sex unless they are relaxed and free from worries and distractions. 'Fear and anxiety levels have to go down for orgasm. Everyone knows this but we can see it happening in the brain,' he explains.
Extraordinary behaviour
From an evolutionary point of view, it could be that the brain switches off the emotions during sex because at such times the chance to produce offspring becomes more important than the survival risk to the individual. Holstege points to the extraordinary behaviour seen in some animals during the breeding season, such as March hares, when the urge to mate seems to override the usual fear of predators.
But Holstege cannot explain why there is such extre"
New Scientist Breaking News - Orgasms: a real ���turn-off��� for women: "For women, it seems, sex is a big turn-off, reveals a brain scanning study. It shows that many areas of the brain switch off during the female orgasm - including those involved with emotion.
���At the moment of orgasm, women do not have any emotional feelings,��� says Gert Holstege of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands.
His team recruited 13 healthy heterosexual women and their partners. The women were asked to lie with their heads in a PET scanner while the team compared their brain activity in four states: simply resting, faking an orgasm, having their clitoris stimulated by their partner���s fingers, and clitoral stimulation to the point of orgasm.
The results of the study are striking. As the women were stimulated, activity rose in one sensory part of the brain, called the primary somatosensory cortex, but fell in the amygdala and hippocampus, areas involved in alertness and anxiety. During orgasm, activity fell in many more areas of the brain, including the prefrontal cortex, compared with the resting state, Holstege told a meeting of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Development in Copenhagen on Monday.
In one sense the findings appear to confirm what is already known, that women cannot enjoy sex unless they are relaxed and free from worries and distractions. 'Fear and anxiety levels have to go down for orgasm. Everyone knows this but we can see it happening in the brain,' he explains.
Extraordinary behaviour
From an evolutionary point of view, it could be that the brain switches off the emotions during sex because at such times the chance to produce offspring becomes more important than the survival risk to the individual. Holstege points to the extraordinary behaviour seen in some animals during the breeding season, such as March hares, when the urge to mate seems to override the usual fear of predators.
But Holstege cannot explain why there is such extre"
19 Juni 2005
A week of being told 'you're wrong'
Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger: "A week of being told 'you're wrong'
My wife says I'm wrong.
My son says I'm wrong.
My best friends say I'm wrong.
My book co-author says I'm wrong.
All week long my coworkers have been coming by and saying I'm wrong.
Dan Gillmor says I'm wrong.
Rebecca MacKinnon says I'm wrong.
Now a bunch of Chinese bloggers say I'm wrong.
In the face of overwhelming evidence, I admit I'm wrong. Trying to justify the Chinese MSN word blocker is one of the more boneheaded things I've done.
Bermula dari langkah MS untuk memblok semua situs yang ada demokrasi atau kebebasan, si penulis awalnya bersikap membenarkan dengan alasan bahwa sebagai perusahaan luar Cina bukan urusan MS masalah politik dalam negeri Cina. Dan karena pemerintah Cina tidak menghendaki pembahasan tentang demokrasi dan kebebasan dilakukan maka MS yang taat hukum harus mematuhinya.
Tetapi rupanya tekanan berbagai pihak, dan argumentasi serta bukti yang ditunjukan oleh banyak orang membuat penulis merubah pendapatnya, dan meminta maaf.
Wow ........
My wife says I'm wrong.
My son says I'm wrong.
My best friends say I'm wrong.
My book co-author says I'm wrong.
All week long my coworkers have been coming by and saying I'm wrong.
Dan Gillmor says I'm wrong.
Rebecca MacKinnon says I'm wrong.
Now a bunch of Chinese bloggers say I'm wrong.
In the face of overwhelming evidence, I admit I'm wrong. Trying to justify the Chinese MSN word blocker is one of the more boneheaded things I've done.
Bermula dari langkah MS untuk memblok semua situs yang ada demokrasi atau kebebasan, si penulis awalnya bersikap membenarkan dengan alasan bahwa sebagai perusahaan luar Cina bukan urusan MS masalah politik dalam negeri Cina. Dan karena pemerintah Cina tidak menghendaki pembahasan tentang demokrasi dan kebebasan dilakukan maka MS yang taat hukum harus mematuhinya.
Tetapi rupanya tekanan berbagai pihak, dan argumentasi serta bukti yang ditunjukan oleh banyak orang membuat penulis merubah pendapatnya, dan meminta maaf.
Wow ........
18 Juni 2005
Foto Rio dan Sarah
Wah ini lagi coba software baru sih (gratisan) .......
Foto Rio dan Sarah
Wah ini lagi coba software baru sih (gratisan) .......
Foto Rio dan Sarah
Wah ini lagi coba software baru sih (gratisan) .......
Foto Rio dan Sarah
Wah ini lagi coba software baru sih (gratisan) .......
Foto Rio dan Sarah
Wah ini lagi coba software baru sih (gratisan) .......
16 Juni 2005
[Journey into Cyberworld] SOKSI Nilai Oposisi Bisa Hambat Reformasi - Kamis, 16 Juni 2005
SOKSI Nilai Oposisi Bisa Hambat Reformasi - Kamis, 16 Juni 2005: "SOKSI Nilai Oposisi Bisa Hambat Reformasi
Jakarta, Kompas - Sentral Organisasi Karyawan Swadiri Indonesia-salah satu organisasi masyarakat pendukung Partai Golkar-menegaskan dukungannya secara kritis, obyektif, dan proporsional kepada pemerintahan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono-Jusuf Kalla. Dukungan itu diberikan karena pemerintahan transisi tidak kuat bertahan jika ada oposisi. Oposisi juga bisa menghambat upaya reformasi.
Penegasan dukungan kepada SBY-Kalla itu merupakan salah satu dari tujuh butir pernyataan politik Dewan Pimpinan Nasional (Depinas) Sentral Organisasi Karyawan Swadiri Indonesia (SOKSI) seusai rapat Depinas SOKSI di Jakarta, Rabu (15/6).
Dalam kesempatan itu diperkenalkan pengurus baru Depinas SOKSI, yakni Ketua Umum Depinas Syamsul Muarif, Sekretaris Jenderal FMT Radjagukguk, Ketua Dewan Penasihat Suhardiman, dan Ketua Harian Dewan Penasihat Oetojo Oesman.
Syamsul Muarif menegaskan, SOKSI selaku ormas tidak membela pemerintah dan tidak menjadi oposisi terhadap pemerintah. Dukungan diberi- kan karena presiden lahir dari pilihan rakyat secara langsung. 'Jika Pak Jusuf Kalla (Ketua Umum Partai Golkar) pun tidak menjadi wakil presiden, SOKSI tetap akan mendukung presiden karena merupakan pilihan rakyat. Pemerintahan transisi tidak kuat bertahan jika ada oposan,' kata Ketua Partai Golkar itu.
Suhardiman dan Oetojo Oesman memaparkan bahwa setelah reformasi jilid I selama tujuh tahun ini yang memfokuskan pada reformasi politik, maka perlu dilanjutkan dengan reformasi jilid II, yaitu reformasi budaya. 'Dalam reformasi jilid I reformasi yang dilaksanakan telah kebablasan sehingga terjadi krisis kepemimpinan budaya. Budaya sopan santun telah hilang, budaya gotong royong telah hilang,' katanya.
Menurut SOKSI, reformasi memang telah menghantarkan iklim keterbukaan dan demokratisasi.(BUR)"
Pernyataan yang menjadi judul berita bahwa "oposisi bisa hambat reformasi" tentu benar adanya. Tetapi kata kuncinya adalah pada kata bisa, sehingga pernyataan sebaliknya adalah juga benar bahwa "tidak adanya oposisi bisa hambat reformasi".
Lebih mendalami demokrasi modern yang mensyaratkan adanya proses pergantian kepemimpinan secara terstruktur (biasanya melalui pemilihan umum) dan bahwa setiap sistem politik membutuhkan fungsi penyiapan kepemimpinan serta bahwa untuk adalah lebih baik bila "pool" kepemimpinan tidak terpusat sehingga rakyat setiap saat bisa melihat alternatif baik untuk kebijakan maupun untuk kepemimpinan; maka rasanya pernyataan yang lebih tepat adalah tidak adanya oposisi akan menghambat proses demokratisasi.
Posted by Rio Menajang to Journey into Cyberworld at 6/16/2005 04:45:27 PM
Jakarta, Kompas - Sentral Organisasi Karyawan Swadiri Indonesia-salah satu organisasi masyarakat pendukung Partai Golkar-menegaskan dukungannya secara kritis, obyektif, dan proporsional kepada pemerintahan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono-Jusuf Kalla. Dukungan itu diberikan karena pemerintahan transisi tidak kuat bertahan jika ada oposisi. Oposisi juga bisa menghambat upaya reformasi.
Penegasan dukungan kepada SBY-Kalla itu merupakan salah satu dari tujuh butir pernyataan politik Dewan Pimpinan Nasional (Depinas) Sentral Organisasi Karyawan Swadiri Indonesia (SOKSI) seusai rapat Depinas SOKSI di Jakarta, Rabu (15/6).
Dalam kesempatan itu diperkenalkan pengurus baru Depinas SOKSI, yakni Ketua Umum Depinas Syamsul Muarif, Sekretaris Jenderal FMT Radjagukguk, Ketua Dewan Penasihat Suhardiman, dan Ketua Harian Dewan Penasihat Oetojo Oesman.
Syamsul Muarif menegaskan, SOKSI selaku ormas tidak membela pemerintah dan tidak menjadi oposisi terhadap pemerintah. Dukungan diberi- kan karena presiden lahir dari pilihan rakyat secara langsung. 'Jika Pak Jusuf Kalla (Ketua Umum Partai Golkar) pun tidak menjadi wakil presiden, SOKSI tetap akan mendukung presiden karena merupakan pilihan rakyat. Pemerintahan transisi tidak kuat bertahan jika ada oposan,' kata Ketua Partai Golkar itu.
Suhardiman dan Oetojo Oesman memaparkan bahwa setelah reformasi jilid I selama tujuh tahun ini yang memfokuskan pada reformasi politik, maka perlu dilanjutkan dengan reformasi jilid II, yaitu reformasi budaya. 'Dalam reformasi jilid I reformasi yang dilaksanakan telah kebablasan sehingga terjadi krisis kepemimpinan budaya. Budaya sopan santun telah hilang, budaya gotong royong telah hilang,' katanya.
Menurut SOKSI, reformasi memang telah menghantarkan iklim keterbukaan dan demokratisasi.(BUR)"
Pernyataan yang menjadi judul berita bahwa "oposisi bisa hambat reformasi" tentu benar adanya. Tetapi kata kuncinya adalah pada kata bisa, sehingga pernyataan sebaliknya adalah juga benar bahwa "tidak adanya oposisi bisa hambat reformasi".
Lebih mendalami demokrasi modern yang mensyaratkan adanya proses pergantian kepemimpinan secara terstruktur (biasanya melalui pemilihan umum) dan bahwa setiap sistem politik membutuhkan fungsi penyiapan kepemimpinan serta bahwa untuk adalah lebih baik bila "pool" kepemimpinan tidak terpusat sehingga rakyat setiap saat bisa melihat alternatif baik untuk kebijakan maupun untuk kepemimpinan; maka rasanya pernyataan yang lebih tepat adalah tidak adanya oposisi akan menghambat proses demokratisasi.
Posted by Rio Menajang to Journey into Cyberworld at 6/16/2005 04:45:27 PM
Imagine Monas surrounded by muddy field
Dari pembuatnya nih: "Monas = Monumen Nasional/ National monument of Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. I took it with low angle, and got a suprise having an image like this. You will never know as Monas is surrounded by paving blocks for pedestrian, and some of that have more depth texture like this. From top shot you cannot see it. I regard this pic as an angle of an ant. :)"
Ada lebih 60 juta blog di dunia: Indonesia gak di anggep :(
» World wide blog count for May: now over 60 million blogs The Blog Herald: more blog news more often: "Asia
Japan: 3.35 million blogs
confirmed here first through a Japan Today report and now by Steve Rubel 3 days later.
China: 4 million
NY Times 24 May
South Korea: 15 million
new reports are still difficult to get out of South Korea, so I’m using the same figure as last month. Give how high it is a can’t see a huge amount of growth left in South Korea for blogs.
Other Asia (Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and the Phillipines): approx 1 million
mixed reports and no firm figures so again I’ve stuck with last months figures. What I have managed to stumble on to is some really good blogs coming out of these countries and vibrant blogging communities, but alas no figure.
India/ Pakistan: approx 1 million
no firm figures however I’ve noticed a significant rise out of India recently, and certainly the Indian press is also reporting on the emergence of Indian blogs, which is a sure sign that there must be a reasonable number there.
Sub Total: 24.35 million"
Japan: 3.35 million blogs
confirmed here first through a Japan Today report and now by Steve Rubel 3 days later.
China: 4 million
NY Times 24 May
South Korea: 15 million
new reports are still difficult to get out of South Korea, so I’m using the same figure as last month. Give how high it is a can’t see a huge amount of growth left in South Korea for blogs.
Other Asia (Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and the Phillipines): approx 1 million
mixed reports and no firm figures so again I’ve stuck with last months figures. What I have managed to stumble on to is some really good blogs coming out of these countries and vibrant blogging communities, but alas no figure.
India/ Pakistan: approx 1 million
no firm figures however I’ve noticed a significant rise out of India recently, and certainly the Indian press is also reporting on the emergence of Indian blogs, which is a sure sign that there must be a reasonable number there.
Sub Total: 24.35 million"
national monument
Baru nyadar kalo dengan Flickr ku bisa mengirim foto orang ke blog ku, seperti ini yang dibuat (dimuat) oleh "sbucha004", niatnya sih mau ngumpulin foto Monas nih.
15 Juni 2005
[Journey into Cyberworld] RioSarahOval
Mau nyoba aja lagi, ini foto abis di permak sama "photoFiltre" terus di posting di Flickr terus dari situ di posting ke blog ini (CyberJourney) dan mustinya langsung di oper ke (KelanaMaya).
Posted by Rio Menajang to Journey into Cyberworld at 6/15/2005 11:18:09 PM
Posted by Rio Menajang to Journey into Cyberworld at 6/15/2005 11:18:09 PM

Rio dan Sarah ... mencoba lagi untuk mengirim foto dengan Hello. Juga untuk melihat layout di blog.
Posted by Hello
Tsunami dan Dunia Maya
Cerita panjang tentang Tsunami yang menciptakan jejaring solidaritas di dunia maya.
Conversations with Dina: "'ve been meaning to share in detail my tsunamihelp story and experiences - and I got the opportunity to pen my thoughts and reflections when David Gurteen asked me for an article for the Global Knowledge Review. This is the full text of the article - its fairly long by 'blog' standards, but it needs to be shared in its entirety :).
Social Tools - Ripples to Waves of the Future
December 26, 2004. A massive earthquake and resulting tsunamis in the Indian Ocean devastated many countries in South-East and South Asia. From the force amassed within this wall of water, nature spoke, and showed us just how insignificant we are. Nature's force, while tragic, stimulated an almost immediate response and outpouring of help. This is my story and my observations."
Conversations with Dina: "'ve been meaning to share in detail my tsunamihelp story and experiences - and I got the opportunity to pen my thoughts and reflections when David Gurteen asked me for an article for the Global Knowledge Review. This is the full text of the article - its fairly long by 'blog' standards, but it needs to be shared in its entirety :).
Social Tools - Ripples to Waves of the Future
December 26, 2004. A massive earthquake and resulting tsunamis in the Indian Ocean devastated many countries in South-East and South Asia. From the force amassed within this wall of water, nature spoke, and showed us just how insignificant we are. Nature's force, while tragic, stimulated an almost immediate response and outpouring of help. This is my story and my observations."
Poynter Online - The 11 Layers of Citizen Journalism
Artikel di bawah ini lengkap membahas "Citizen Journalism"
Poynter Online - The 11 Layers of Citizen Journalism: "This article is designed to help publishers and editors understand citizen journalism and how it might be incorporated into their Web sites and legacy media. We'll look at how news organizations can employ the citizen-journalism concept, and we'll approach it by looking at the different levels or layers available. Citizen journalism isn't one simple concept that can be applied universally by all news organizations. It's much more complex, with many potential variations."
Poynter Online - The 11 Layers of Citizen Journalism: "This article is designed to help publishers and editors understand citizen journalism and how it might be incorporated into their Web sites and legacy media. We'll look at how news organizations can employ the citizen-journalism concept, and we'll approach it by looking at the different levels or layers available. Citizen journalism isn't one simple concept that can be applied universally by all news organizations. It's much more complex, with many potential variations."
14 Juni 2005
Cara Google Menyusun Ranking
Buzzle.com > Computers & the Internet > Great Site Ranking in Google The Secrets Out > Printable Version
Great Site Ranking in Google The Secrets Out - Printer Friendly: "Great Site Ranking in Google The Secrets Out
Google have recently filed a US patent which reveals a great deal of how they rank your web site. Some of it you could never of guessed at...
By Darren Yates, 6/11/2005
How many years did you register your domain name for?
If it's only one then that's a point against you in Googles eyes.
Because the majority of Spam websites only register a domain name for one year. A domain registered for a longer period implies that the owner is more likely to be legitimate and serious about their web site.
This is just one of the unusual factors now considered by Google when indexing and ranking a website. Factors you could never even have guessed at in some cases.
How do I know this?
Google have recently filed United States Patent Application 20050071741 on March 31, 2005.
In which many of the search giants secret ranking criteria is revealed and it makes very interesting reading. You have got to read this if you're serious about ranking well in Google. The days of Spaming Google are drawing to a close. With this patent they reveal just how hard they're coming down on Spam sites. You Do Not want to get caught out.
Below you will find the hard facts, I recommend you bookmark this page now. You will need to reference it each time you optimize a new site.
• First of all Links. It's common knowledge that Google relies heavily on inbound relevant links to rank a site. Now they explain exactly how it works. :)
This is a major factor so I'll take a few paragraphs to explain what is going on.
As well as the number, quality and anchor text factors of a link. Google seems to also consider historical factors. Googles 'sandbox' or aging delay begins countdown the minute links to a new site are discovered.
Google record the discovery of a link and link changes over time. The speed at which a site gains links and the link life span.
With this in mind fast link acquisition may be a strong indicator of potential search engine Spam.
Gone are the days of pages and pages full of link farms. You must grow your links slowly to stay below the radar and be careful who you exchange links with. That means no more buying hundreds of links at once or other underhand tactics.
PR is now very valuable.
Your link anchor text should vary but remain consistent with your site content. No more using your main keywords on every link exchange you gain. That's 'anchor Spam'. Instead vary them around your top five to ten keywords.
Link exchanges are still very important but you must work and utilize them ethically. If you don't and you get caught the recovery from a ban can be months in coming and your host and IP may also be recorded.
Softly softly seems to be the message. The fact is fewer but better quality links will benefit you more anyway and likely to be more long-term which is good to.
• Site click through rates (CTR) may now be monitored through cache, temporary files, bookmarks and favorites. Via the Google toolbar or desktop tools. Many have suspected for some time that sites are reward for good CTR with a raise in ranking. Similar to how Adwords works.
CTR is monitored to see if fresh or stale content is preferred for a search result.
CTR is monitored for increases or decreases relating to trends or seasons.
• Web page rankings are recorded and monitored for changes.
• The traffic to a web page is recorded and monitored over time.
• Sites can be ranked seasonally. A ski site may rank higher in the winter than in the summer. Google can monitor and rank pages by recording CTR changes by season.
• Bookmarks and favorites could be monitored for changes, deletions or additions.
• User behavior in general could be monitored.
As Google is capable of tracking traffic to your site you should closely monitor the small amount of copy returned in search results. Ideally you want to integrate a call to action in there to increase CTR.
Clicks away from your site back to the search results are also monitored. Make your site as sticky as possible to keep visitors there longer. As mentioned above it may also help if you could get your visitors to bookmark you.
• The frequency and amount of page updates is monitored and recorded as is the number of pages.
Mass updates of hundreds of files will see you pop up on the radar.
On the other hand to few or to small updates to your site could see your rankings slide. Unless your CTR is good. A stale page that receives good traffic may hold it's own and not require an update. So don't update for the sake of it.
Depending on your market fresh content may not be a requirement. If the information your pages contain does not go out of date then updating may not be necessary. If your market is more news based for example then changes regularly are a must. In general changes don't necessarily have to mean fresh content. They could involve simple edits to current content.
A further indicator that Google is really cracking down on Spam is made clear in the following extract from the Patent. Mention is made of changing the focus of multiple pages at once.
Here's the quote -
"A significant change over time in the set of topics associated with a document may indicate that the document has changed owners and previous document indicators, such as score, anchor text, etc., are no longer reliable.
Similarly, a spike in the number of topics could indicate Spam. For example, if a particular document is associated with a set of one or more topics over what may be considered a ’stable’ period of time and then a (sudden) spike occurs in the number of topics associated with the document, this may be an indication that the document has been taken over as a ‘doorway’ document.
Another indication may include the sudden disappearance of the original topics associated with the document. If one or more of these situations are detected, then [Google] may reduce the relative score of such documents and/or the links, anchor text, or other data associated the document."
There's still more to look out for:-
• Changes in on page keyword density is monitored and recorded as are changes to anchor text.
• The domain name owner address is considered, most likely to help in a local search result.
• The technical and admin contact details are checked for consistency. These are often falsified for Spam domains.
• Your hosts IP address. If you are on a shared server it's possible somebody else on that server is using dirty tactics or Spaming. If so your site will suffer since you share the same IP.
The impression I get here is that Google have learned from the Spam attack they suffered in early 2004 and are determined to eradicate it.
So what do you do?
There's a lot to take onboard here and consider. But you can't go far wrong with your SEO if you try to grow your site as organically as possible. If you know what you're doing you can take short cuts. Carry on with link exchanges but consider each site carefully and slow down in your gathering of them. Vary your anchor text. Add small amounts of good quality content to your site regularly. Check your search engine listings and edit your site to include a call to action in them if possible. Make your site more 'sticky' to encourage visitors to stay a while. Encourage visitors to Bookmark your site. Oh and register new domain names for at least two years.
Before you do anything remember to reference the above info first. It may just save you months of misery as your site gets banned and 'Sand boxed'.
Overall keep it ethical and you can't go wrong.
Do not be tempted to Spam. Stick to the guidelines above and you are much more likely to outlast and out rank your competition.
About the Author
How-to-make-money-online.info is a site focused on Making Money Online and Internet Marketing, listing the many and varied ways of making money online. Featuring, resources, thousands of Internet Marketing articles and useful links.
This article comes with reprint rights. You are free to reprint and distribute it as you like. All that we ask is that you do not make any changes, that this resource text is include, and that the link above is intact. "
Great Site Ranking in Google The Secrets Out - Printer Friendly: "Great Site Ranking in Google The Secrets Out
Google have recently filed a US patent which reveals a great deal of how they rank your web site. Some of it you could never of guessed at...
By Darren Yates, 6/11/2005
How many years did you register your domain name for?
If it's only one then that's a point against you in Googles eyes.
Because the majority of Spam websites only register a domain name for one year. A domain registered for a longer period implies that the owner is more likely to be legitimate and serious about their web site.
This is just one of the unusual factors now considered by Google when indexing and ranking a website. Factors you could never even have guessed at in some cases.
How do I know this?
Google have recently filed United States Patent Application 20050071741 on March 31, 2005.
In which many of the search giants secret ranking criteria is revealed and it makes very interesting reading. You have got to read this if you're serious about ranking well in Google. The days of Spaming Google are drawing to a close. With this patent they reveal just how hard they're coming down on Spam sites. You Do Not want to get caught out.
Below you will find the hard facts, I recommend you bookmark this page now. You will need to reference it each time you optimize a new site.
• First of all Links. It's common knowledge that Google relies heavily on inbound relevant links to rank a site. Now they explain exactly how it works. :)
This is a major factor so I'll take a few paragraphs to explain what is going on.
As well as the number, quality and anchor text factors of a link. Google seems to also consider historical factors. Googles 'sandbox' or aging delay begins countdown the minute links to a new site are discovered.
Google record the discovery of a link and link changes over time. The speed at which a site gains links and the link life span.
With this in mind fast link acquisition may be a strong indicator of potential search engine Spam.
Gone are the days of pages and pages full of link farms. You must grow your links slowly to stay below the radar and be careful who you exchange links with. That means no more buying hundreds of links at once or other underhand tactics.
PR is now very valuable.
Your link anchor text should vary but remain consistent with your site content. No more using your main keywords on every link exchange you gain. That's 'anchor Spam'. Instead vary them around your top five to ten keywords.
Link exchanges are still very important but you must work and utilize them ethically. If you don't and you get caught the recovery from a ban can be months in coming and your host and IP may also be recorded.
Softly softly seems to be the message. The fact is fewer but better quality links will benefit you more anyway and likely to be more long-term which is good to.
• Site click through rates (CTR) may now be monitored through cache, temporary files, bookmarks and favorites. Via the Google toolbar or desktop tools. Many have suspected for some time that sites are reward for good CTR with a raise in ranking. Similar to how Adwords works.
CTR is monitored to see if fresh or stale content is preferred for a search result.
CTR is monitored for increases or decreases relating to trends or seasons.
• Web page rankings are recorded and monitored for changes.
• The traffic to a web page is recorded and monitored over time.
• Sites can be ranked seasonally. A ski site may rank higher in the winter than in the summer. Google can monitor and rank pages by recording CTR changes by season.
• Bookmarks and favorites could be monitored for changes, deletions or additions.
• User behavior in general could be monitored.
As Google is capable of tracking traffic to your site you should closely monitor the small amount of copy returned in search results. Ideally you want to integrate a call to action in there to increase CTR.
Clicks away from your site back to the search results are also monitored. Make your site as sticky as possible to keep visitors there longer. As mentioned above it may also help if you could get your visitors to bookmark you.
• The frequency and amount of page updates is monitored and recorded as is the number of pages.
Mass updates of hundreds of files will see you pop up on the radar.
On the other hand to few or to small updates to your site could see your rankings slide. Unless your CTR is good. A stale page that receives good traffic may hold it's own and not require an update. So don't update for the sake of it.
Depending on your market fresh content may not be a requirement. If the information your pages contain does not go out of date then updating may not be necessary. If your market is more news based for example then changes regularly are a must. In general changes don't necessarily have to mean fresh content. They could involve simple edits to current content.
A further indicator that Google is really cracking down on Spam is made clear in the following extract from the Patent. Mention is made of changing the focus of multiple pages at once.
Here's the quote -
"A significant change over time in the set of topics associated with a document may indicate that the document has changed owners and previous document indicators, such as score, anchor text, etc., are no longer reliable.
Similarly, a spike in the number of topics could indicate Spam. For example, if a particular document is associated with a set of one or more topics over what may be considered a ’stable’ period of time and then a (sudden) spike occurs in the number of topics associated with the document, this may be an indication that the document has been taken over as a ‘doorway’ document.
Another indication may include the sudden disappearance of the original topics associated with the document. If one or more of these situations are detected, then [Google] may reduce the relative score of such documents and/or the links, anchor text, or other data associated the document."
There's still more to look out for:-
• Changes in on page keyword density is monitored and recorded as are changes to anchor text.
• The domain name owner address is considered, most likely to help in a local search result.
• The technical and admin contact details are checked for consistency. These are often falsified for Spam domains.
• Your hosts IP address. If you are on a shared server it's possible somebody else on that server is using dirty tactics or Spaming. If so your site will suffer since you share the same IP.
The impression I get here is that Google have learned from the Spam attack they suffered in early 2004 and are determined to eradicate it.
So what do you do?
There's a lot to take onboard here and consider. But you can't go far wrong with your SEO if you try to grow your site as organically as possible. If you know what you're doing you can take short cuts. Carry on with link exchanges but consider each site carefully and slow down in your gathering of them. Vary your anchor text. Add small amounts of good quality content to your site regularly. Check your search engine listings and edit your site to include a call to action in them if possible. Make your site more 'sticky' to encourage visitors to stay a while. Encourage visitors to Bookmark your site. Oh and register new domain names for at least two years.
Before you do anything remember to reference the above info first. It may just save you months of misery as your site gets banned and 'Sand boxed'.
Overall keep it ethical and you can't go wrong.
Do not be tempted to Spam. Stick to the guidelines above and you are much more likely to outlast and out rank your competition.
About the Author
How-to-make-money-online.info is a site focused on Making Money Online and Internet Marketing, listing the many and varied ways of making money online. Featuring, resources, thousands of Internet Marketing articles and useful links.
This article comes with reprint rights. You are free to reprint and distribute it as you like. All that we ask is that you do not make any changes, that this resource text is include, and that the link above is intact. "
[Journey into Cyberworld] Micro Persuasion: 10 Commandments for The Era of Participatory Public Relations
Aku rasa ini perlu terutama untuk mereka yang bergerak di bidang PR dan periklanan, tapi juga untuk mereka yang bermain dalam advokasi dan demokratisasi. Apakah "Era of Participatory Public Relations" akan menjadi awal dari "Era of Participatory Management", bagaimana menghubungkan PR sebagai elemen manajemen?
Tetapi memasukan elemen "Good Governance" yaitu partisipasi yang bersama akuntabilitas dan transparansi menjadi pilar utama, maka usaha sebagai entitas yang "memaksimalkan keuntungan bagi pemegang saham" akan mejadi sejarah. Bergesernya perspektif dari "share-holder ke stake-holder, misalnya telah ditunjukan dengan "social accountability report" yang bahkan telah mulai menjadi standar bagi beberapa perusahaan di negara maju.
Sebaliknya kita di Indonesia masih melihat bahwa bahkan entitas publik, yakni pemerintahan, yang seharusnya justru lebih melihat segala sesuatu dari perspektif "stake-holder" justru semakin kuat menjadi "share-holder" dengan mereka yang menjai elite politik dan pemerintahan sebagai pemegang saham preferensi (yang diutamakan) seperti pemegang saham institusional di pasar saham dan rakyat kebanyakan menjadi pemegang saham individual yang tidak memiliki posisi tawar apapun terhadap manajemen yang merupakan blok pemegang saham terbesar.
Bagaimana selanjutnya dampak perkembangan ini pada masyarakat Indonesia? Pada tingkat negara, masyarakat, dan dunia usaha-nya.
Micro Persuasion: 10 Commandments for The Era of Participatory Public Relations: "10 Commandments for The Era of Participatory Public Relations
The war is over. The people have defeated the corporation. Need proof, read this week's BusinessWeek cover story. They are the ones who are in charge now. They are using the Internet to tell companies what products to make or telling the world what a word means. That's when they're not developing new products of their own and marketing them. Bob Metcalfe was right. The value of the network really does multiply as do its nodes.
So now that the public is credited for calling the shots, what does it mean for public relations? Here are the 10 commandments for public relations professionals as I see them in the Golden Era of Participation…
1) Thou shall listen – Utilize every avenue available to you to listen actively to what your publics have to say and feed it back to the right parties.
2) Remember that all creatures great and small are holy – It doesn't matter if it's the New York Times calling on you or an individual blogger, both have power. Take them all seriously.
3) Honor thy customer – Create programs that celebrate customers and they will celebrate you.
4) Thou shall not be fake – Keep it real; don't hide behind characters and phony IDs.
5) Covet thy customers – Don’t sue your fans. You will alienate them.
6) Thou shall be open and engaging – Involve your customers in the PR process. Invite them to help you develop winning ideas and become your spokespeople.
7) Thou shall embrace blogging – It’s not a fad, it’s here to stay. Be part of it.
8) Thou shall banish corporate speak – People want to here from you in a human voice. Don’t hind behind corporate speak. It will soon sound like ye olde English.
9) Thou shall tell the truth – If you don’t tell the truth, it will come out anyway.
10) Thou shall thinketh in 360 degrees – Ask not what you can do for your customer, but also wha"
Posted by Rio Menajang to Journey into Cyberworld at 6/14/2005 03:20:35 PM
Tetapi memasukan elemen "Good Governance" yaitu partisipasi yang bersama akuntabilitas dan transparansi menjadi pilar utama, maka usaha sebagai entitas yang "memaksimalkan keuntungan bagi pemegang saham" akan mejadi sejarah. Bergesernya perspektif dari "share-holder ke stake-holder, misalnya telah ditunjukan dengan "social accountability report" yang bahkan telah mulai menjadi standar bagi beberapa perusahaan di negara maju.
Sebaliknya kita di Indonesia masih melihat bahwa bahkan entitas publik, yakni pemerintahan, yang seharusnya justru lebih melihat segala sesuatu dari perspektif "stake-holder" justru semakin kuat menjadi "share-holder" dengan mereka yang menjai elite politik dan pemerintahan sebagai pemegang saham preferensi (yang diutamakan) seperti pemegang saham institusional di pasar saham dan rakyat kebanyakan menjadi pemegang saham individual yang tidak memiliki posisi tawar apapun terhadap manajemen yang merupakan blok pemegang saham terbesar.
Bagaimana selanjutnya dampak perkembangan ini pada masyarakat Indonesia? Pada tingkat negara, masyarakat, dan dunia usaha-nya.
Micro Persuasion: 10 Commandments for The Era of Participatory Public Relations: "10 Commandments for The Era of Participatory Public Relations
The war is over. The people have defeated the corporation. Need proof, read this week's BusinessWeek cover story. They are the ones who are in charge now. They are using the Internet to tell companies what products to make or telling the world what a word means. That's when they're not developing new products of their own and marketing them. Bob Metcalfe was right. The value of the network really does multiply as do its nodes.
So now that the public is credited for calling the shots, what does it mean for public relations? Here are the 10 commandments for public relations professionals as I see them in the Golden Era of Participation…
1) Thou shall listen – Utilize every avenue available to you to listen actively to what your publics have to say and feed it back to the right parties.
2) Remember that all creatures great and small are holy – It doesn't matter if it's the New York Times calling on you or an individual blogger, both have power. Take them all seriously.
3) Honor thy customer – Create programs that celebrate customers and they will celebrate you.
4) Thou shall not be fake – Keep it real; don't hide behind characters and phony IDs.
5) Covet thy customers – Don’t sue your fans. You will alienate them.
6) Thou shall be open and engaging – Involve your customers in the PR process. Invite them to help you develop winning ideas and become your spokespeople.
7) Thou shall embrace blogging – It’s not a fad, it’s here to stay. Be part of it.
8) Thou shall banish corporate speak – People want to here from you in a human voice. Don’t hind behind corporate speak. It will soon sound like ye olde English.
9) Thou shall tell the truth – If you don’t tell the truth, it will come out anyway.
10) Thou shall thinketh in 360 degrees – Ask not what you can do for your customer, but also wha"
Posted by Rio Menajang to Journey into Cyberworld at 6/14/2005 03:20:35 PM
[Journey into Cyberworld] Aku dan Sarah ........
Ini foto aku dan Sarah, cantiknya ........ hari terakhir tahun 2004.
Posted by Rio Menajang to Journey into Cyberworld at 6/14/2005 03:07:49 AM
13 Juni 2005
Foto teman jaman dolo dan sekarang juga lah ya
Ini foto memang tidak ada aku sih, tapi ini pas GSM itu "SM the next
generation" pas bikin pergelaran di Balai Sarbini. Nah ini para veteran
berfoto bersama. Ini juga percobaan untuk menempatkan foto di sini dari
"photo bucket". Getooo loooh.
12 Juni 2005
Google tumbangkan Time Warner
Nilai kapitalisasi pasar, yuang dihitung dengan mengalikan harga saham dengan jumlah saham yang ada, untuk perusahaan dalam industri media (segala surat kabar sampai internet) sebelum ini nilai tertingginya ada pada kelompok Time Warner, tetapi baru2 ini Google muncul dengan nilai yang lebih besar.
Ada kekhawatiran bahwa harga saham Google agak berlebihan, dan ini juga terjadi pada perusahaan media teknologi tinggi lain, akan berulang merosotnya harga saham sektor ini (dan sektor teknologi) yang terkait erat padanya.
BBC NEWS | Business | $80bn Google takes top media spot: "After its shares hit an all-time high on the New York markets on Tuesday, Google is now worth $80bn (£44bn).
This takes it ahead of media leviathan Time Warner, which is valued at $78bn.
The valuation comes in spite of the fact that Google's annual sales total just $3.2bn, a fraction of Time Warner's $42bn."
Ada kekhawatiran bahwa harga saham Google agak berlebihan, dan ini juga terjadi pada perusahaan media teknologi tinggi lain, akan berulang merosotnya harga saham sektor ini (dan sektor teknologi) yang terkait erat padanya.
BBC NEWS | Business | $80bn Google takes top media spot: "After its shares hit an all-time high on the New York markets on Tuesday, Google is now worth $80bn (£44bn).
This takes it ahead of media leviathan Time Warner, which is valued at $78bn.
The valuation comes in spite of the fact that Google's annual sales total just $3.2bn, a fraction of Time Warner's $42bn."
09 Juni 2005
Apa lah arti "Saudara" sebangsa? Ini "cuma" berita? SONTOLOYO
Cetak Berita: "Penggendong Mayat Ketemu
Supriono si penggendong mayat anaknya di KRL akhirnya ditemukan. Ia mengubur anaknya di Menteng Pulo.
Supriono alias Supri tertangkap basah tengah menggendong putrinya yang sudah jadi mayat, Nur Khaerunisa yang berusia 3 tahun, di Stasiun Tebet pada Minggu (5/6). Mayat itu dibungkus sarung, sementara mukanya ditutupi dengan kaus.
Kala itu, Supri berniat mengubur si kecil ke perkampungan pemulung di Bogor, dengan menumpang kereta rel listrik (KRL) karena tak punya duit untuk menyewa mobil jenazah. Pekerjaan Supri sebagai pemulung barang bekas dari kampung ke kampung tak memungkinkan untuk menyisakan duit.
Supri berikut mayat putrinya dan putra sulungnya, Muriski Saleh (6), dipaksa ke kantor Polsektro Tebet dan selanjutnya harus kembali ke RSCM untuk memastikan bahwa Khaerunisa bukan korban kejahatan. Supri menjelaskan bahwa anaknya itu meninggal di atas gerobak 07.00 karena muntaber. Supri hanya sekali mengobatkan Khaerunisa ke Puskesmas Setia Budi.
Karena itu ia ngotot menolak anaknya diautopsi. Akhirnya RSCM menyodorkan surat pernyataan yang harus ditandatangani Supri bahwa ia benar-benar menolak anaknya diautopsi.
Dengan bekal surat itu ia berniat menguburkan anaknya. Tapi belum tahu kemana. Hatinya ragu, karena waktu itu jarum jam menunjuk pukul 16.00. Terlalu sore untuk ke Bogor. Dan sejak itu pula, Warta Kota kehilangan jejak Supri.
Tiga hari tim Warta Kota menelusuri pangkalan pemulung dari Cikini hingga Manggarai. Perkampungan pemulung di Bogor plus beberapa stasiun juga dijelajah, tapi Supri tak ditemukan. Padahal, banyak pembaca Warta Kota berniat memberikan bantuan kemanusiaan buat Supri.
Berkat bantuan warga Manggarai, Jakarta Selatan, Supri akhirnya bisa ditemukan. Ia menumpang di rumah rumah petak di pinggiran Ciliwung milik Ibu Sri di Manggarai Utara IV, Tebet. Di sanalah, enam tahun lalu, Supri pernah mengontrak sebulan. Info bahwa Supri berada di sana disampaikan oleh salah seorang pelanggan Warta Kota, Ny Anna Purnomo.
Setahun lalu, Supri cabut dari Manggarai setelah berpisah dengan istrinya, Sariyem. Ia menggelandang sebagai pemulung bersama si kecil Nur Khaerunisa dan Muriski, dengan modal gerobak.
"Saya mangkal di depan Gereja (Isa Almasih) Cikini. Di sana ada halte. Kalau lagi hujan, gerobak saya bawa ke halte, biar anak-anak tidak kehujanan," kata Supri.
Keputusan Supri untuk pergi ke Manggarai muncul tiba-tiba. Sewaktu keluar dari kamar mayat RSCM sekitar pukul 16.10, Supri masih ingin melanjutkan perjalanan ke Bogor untuk mengubur anaknya, dengan menumpang KRL.
Supri berjalan dengan menggendong mayat anaknya, ditemani Muriski, ke Jalan Salemba tepatnya ke lampu merah di seberang St Carolus. Lama ia termenung karena sudah terlalu sore untuk ke Bogor. "Tiba-tiba terlintas dalam pikiran bahwa saya pernah tinggal di Manggarai. Saya putuskan ke Manggarai, minta tolong warga di sana untuk mengubur anak saya," katanya.
Ia lantas menyetop bajaj dan bayar Rp 5.000 untuk ke Manggarai. Supri, Muriski, dan mayat si kecil tiba di rumah Ibu Sri di Manggarai pukul 18.15. Rumah mungil itu hanya berjarak dua meter dari bibir Ciliwung. Dia lalu mengetuk pintu rumah yang terbuat dari kayu tersebut.
"Saat itu saya sedang mandi, tiba-tiba anak saya memanggil saya, katanya ada tamu. Ternyata Supri. Saat itu dia menggendong anaknya dengan kain sarung. Kepala anaknya ditutup kaus warna putih, sementara kakinya terjuntai. Dia bilang ke saya katanya ’bu tolong saya’. Karena saya kira dia butuh uang akhirnya saya bergegas mengambil uang," ujar Sri yang mengaku masih mengingat wajah Supri meski sudah setahun pindah dari rumahnya.
Ketika Sri hendak mengambil uang, tiba-tiba Supri mengatakan bahwa anak yang digendongnya telah meninggal. Sri kaget. Setelah berpikir sejenak, Sri memberitahu warga. Dengan cepat, warga berdatangan untuk mengurusi mayat bocah tersebut.
Bendera kuning tanda berkabung dipasang di sudut-sudut jalan. Sementara lapak penjualan motor di tepi Jalan Manggarai Utara VI disekat dengan kain untuk meletakkan jenazah Khaerunisa. Sebab, sudah terlalu malam untuk mengubur jenazah.
Warga RT 08/RW 01 berkumpul. Mereka berbagi tugas, sebagian meminta surat ke RW dan kelurahan untuk keperluan penguburan. Tapi tetek bengek administrasi baru kelar Senin (7/6) pagi.
"Sebagian mengurus jenazah seperti memandikan dan kasih kain kafan. Sedangkan biaya perizinan hingga penguburan jenazah didapat dari sumbangan sukarela dari warga sekitar yang bersimpati," ujar Jono, warga yang juga bekerja sebagai petugas memandikan mayat di kawasan tersebut.
Menurut Supriatna yang ikut mengurusi jenazah Khaerunisa, biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk penguburan jenazah Khaerunisa kurang lebih Rp 600.000. Biaya ke Dinas Pemakaman Rp 350.000 dan biaya lainnya semisal membeli kain kafan dan lain-lain sekitar Rp 250.000.
Setelah diinapkan semalam, jenazah Khaerunisa dimakamkan di taman pemakaman umum (TPU) Menteng Pulo Blok A5 di Jalan Casablanca, Pal Batu, Tebet, Senin (6/6). "Khaerunisa akhirnya bisa dikubut sekitar pukul 11.00," ujar Supriatna.
Dalam pemakaman itu, kakan Khaerunisa, Nuriski Saleh juga ikut serta. Semula Nuriski belum menyadari bahwa adiknya telah meninggal. Ketika dia melihat adiknya dimasukkan ke liang lahat, Nuriski bertanya kepada ayahnya, mengapa adiknya dikubur. "Nuriski baru tahu bahwa adiknya sudah meninggal setelah upacara pemakaman selesai. Saya baru bisa menjelaskan saat pemakaman itu," ujar Supri. (mur/pro)
Url : /metro/news/0506/09/090859.htm
Sekali-sekali peristiwa seperti ini masuk berita dan kita tersadarkan adanya kenyataan ini. Pernahkah kita bertanya seberapa meluas sebetulnya kenyataan bahwa banyak "saudara" sebangsa kita yang hidup dalam kondisi sepert Supri, Muriski, dan Khairunisa.
Mana wujud tanggung jawab Negara, Pemerintah (Pusat dan DKI), serta para petingginya (dari SBY, Bang Yos, sampai petugas Dinas-dinas dan kepolisian?; mana pula rasa kemanusiaan para pamong negara yang bersentuhan langsung dengan peristiwa ini).
Ini wujud nyata negara dan masyarakat SONTOLOYO - yang sudah bebal (hampir) kehilangan nuraini dan rasa kemanusiaan. Birokrasi dan administrasi yang berlapis telah mengikis habis rasa kemanusiaan dan kemampuan untuk berempathi bahkan di hadapan tragedi terbesar kemanusiaan. Apa lagi yang harus kita saksikan tanpa rasa? Seorang anak tak berdosa, hilang nyawa karena orang tua dan pemerintah tak bisa memberi layanan kesehatan untuk suatu penyakit yang bukan tak terobati.
SONTOLOYO itu kompensasi BBM yang triliunan mengalir entah ke mana.
SONTOLOYO itu pelayanan kesehatan cuma-cuma untuk orang miskin, yang tidak menyentuh mereka yang paling membutuhkan.
SONTOLOYO itu janji kampanye membawa perubahan, dan bersama kita bisa, serta semua tebar pesona, yang gagal bahkan untuk mendenga bahwa ini terjadi, bukan di mana-mana, tapi di ibukota negara entah berapa meter dari Istana itu letak Cikini dan Menteng Pulo, juga tidak jauh dari Blora Center dan (jl.) Lembang.
SONTOLOYO itu bangunan ibadah dibelakang halte yang tidak bisa melihat derita sesama persis di pagarnya.
Untuk ketidak sopanan ini aku tidak meminta maaf. Peristiwa ini sama sekali tidak sopan, tidak patut. Aku tinggal menunggu saja apa selanjutnya yang akan terjadi. Kalau tidak ada kelanjutannya, maka benar sudah bangsa ini telah jadi bangsa bangsat dan SONTOLOYO
Supriono si penggendong mayat anaknya di KRL akhirnya ditemukan. Ia mengubur anaknya di Menteng Pulo.
Supriono alias Supri tertangkap basah tengah menggendong putrinya yang sudah jadi mayat, Nur Khaerunisa yang berusia 3 tahun, di Stasiun Tebet pada Minggu (5/6). Mayat itu dibungkus sarung, sementara mukanya ditutupi dengan kaus.
Kala itu, Supri berniat mengubur si kecil ke perkampungan pemulung di Bogor, dengan menumpang kereta rel listrik (KRL) karena tak punya duit untuk menyewa mobil jenazah. Pekerjaan Supri sebagai pemulung barang bekas dari kampung ke kampung tak memungkinkan untuk menyisakan duit.
Supri berikut mayat putrinya dan putra sulungnya, Muriski Saleh (6), dipaksa ke kantor Polsektro Tebet dan selanjutnya harus kembali ke RSCM untuk memastikan bahwa Khaerunisa bukan korban kejahatan. Supri menjelaskan bahwa anaknya itu meninggal di atas gerobak 07.00 karena muntaber. Supri hanya sekali mengobatkan Khaerunisa ke Puskesmas Setia Budi.
Karena itu ia ngotot menolak anaknya diautopsi. Akhirnya RSCM menyodorkan surat pernyataan yang harus ditandatangani Supri bahwa ia benar-benar menolak anaknya diautopsi.
Dengan bekal surat itu ia berniat menguburkan anaknya. Tapi belum tahu kemana. Hatinya ragu, karena waktu itu jarum jam menunjuk pukul 16.00. Terlalu sore untuk ke Bogor. Dan sejak itu pula, Warta Kota kehilangan jejak Supri.
Tiga hari tim Warta Kota menelusuri pangkalan pemulung dari Cikini hingga Manggarai. Perkampungan pemulung di Bogor plus beberapa stasiun juga dijelajah, tapi Supri tak ditemukan. Padahal, banyak pembaca Warta Kota berniat memberikan bantuan kemanusiaan buat Supri.
Berkat bantuan warga Manggarai, Jakarta Selatan, Supri akhirnya bisa ditemukan. Ia menumpang di rumah rumah petak di pinggiran Ciliwung milik Ibu Sri di Manggarai Utara IV, Tebet. Di sanalah, enam tahun lalu, Supri pernah mengontrak sebulan. Info bahwa Supri berada di sana disampaikan oleh salah seorang pelanggan Warta Kota, Ny Anna Purnomo.
Setahun lalu, Supri cabut dari Manggarai setelah berpisah dengan istrinya, Sariyem. Ia menggelandang sebagai pemulung bersama si kecil Nur Khaerunisa dan Muriski, dengan modal gerobak.
"Saya mangkal di depan Gereja (Isa Almasih) Cikini. Di sana ada halte. Kalau lagi hujan, gerobak saya bawa ke halte, biar anak-anak tidak kehujanan," kata Supri.
Keputusan Supri untuk pergi ke Manggarai muncul tiba-tiba. Sewaktu keluar dari kamar mayat RSCM sekitar pukul 16.10, Supri masih ingin melanjutkan perjalanan ke Bogor untuk mengubur anaknya, dengan menumpang KRL.
Supri berjalan dengan menggendong mayat anaknya, ditemani Muriski, ke Jalan Salemba tepatnya ke lampu merah di seberang St Carolus. Lama ia termenung karena sudah terlalu sore untuk ke Bogor. "Tiba-tiba terlintas dalam pikiran bahwa saya pernah tinggal di Manggarai. Saya putuskan ke Manggarai, minta tolong warga di sana untuk mengubur anak saya," katanya.
Ia lantas menyetop bajaj dan bayar Rp 5.000 untuk ke Manggarai. Supri, Muriski, dan mayat si kecil tiba di rumah Ibu Sri di Manggarai pukul 18.15. Rumah mungil itu hanya berjarak dua meter dari bibir Ciliwung. Dia lalu mengetuk pintu rumah yang terbuat dari kayu tersebut.
"Saat itu saya sedang mandi, tiba-tiba anak saya memanggil saya, katanya ada tamu. Ternyata Supri. Saat itu dia menggendong anaknya dengan kain sarung. Kepala anaknya ditutup kaus warna putih, sementara kakinya terjuntai. Dia bilang ke saya katanya ’bu tolong saya’. Karena saya kira dia butuh uang akhirnya saya bergegas mengambil uang," ujar Sri yang mengaku masih mengingat wajah Supri meski sudah setahun pindah dari rumahnya.
Ketika Sri hendak mengambil uang, tiba-tiba Supri mengatakan bahwa anak yang digendongnya telah meninggal. Sri kaget. Setelah berpikir sejenak, Sri memberitahu warga. Dengan cepat, warga berdatangan untuk mengurusi mayat bocah tersebut.
Bendera kuning tanda berkabung dipasang di sudut-sudut jalan. Sementara lapak penjualan motor di tepi Jalan Manggarai Utara VI disekat dengan kain untuk meletakkan jenazah Khaerunisa. Sebab, sudah terlalu malam untuk mengubur jenazah.
Warga RT 08/RW 01 berkumpul. Mereka berbagi tugas, sebagian meminta surat ke RW dan kelurahan untuk keperluan penguburan. Tapi tetek bengek administrasi baru kelar Senin (7/6) pagi.
"Sebagian mengurus jenazah seperti memandikan dan kasih kain kafan. Sedangkan biaya perizinan hingga penguburan jenazah didapat dari sumbangan sukarela dari warga sekitar yang bersimpati," ujar Jono, warga yang juga bekerja sebagai petugas memandikan mayat di kawasan tersebut.
Menurut Supriatna yang ikut mengurusi jenazah Khaerunisa, biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk penguburan jenazah Khaerunisa kurang lebih Rp 600.000. Biaya ke Dinas Pemakaman Rp 350.000 dan biaya lainnya semisal membeli kain kafan dan lain-lain sekitar Rp 250.000.
Setelah diinapkan semalam, jenazah Khaerunisa dimakamkan di taman pemakaman umum (TPU) Menteng Pulo Blok A5 di Jalan Casablanca, Pal Batu, Tebet, Senin (6/6). "Khaerunisa akhirnya bisa dikubut sekitar pukul 11.00," ujar Supriatna.
Dalam pemakaman itu, kakan Khaerunisa, Nuriski Saleh juga ikut serta. Semula Nuriski belum menyadari bahwa adiknya telah meninggal. Ketika dia melihat adiknya dimasukkan ke liang lahat, Nuriski bertanya kepada ayahnya, mengapa adiknya dikubur. "Nuriski baru tahu bahwa adiknya sudah meninggal setelah upacara pemakaman selesai. Saya baru bisa menjelaskan saat pemakaman itu," ujar Supri. (mur/pro)
Url : /metro/news/0506/09/090859.htm
Sekali-sekali peristiwa seperti ini masuk berita dan kita tersadarkan adanya kenyataan ini. Pernahkah kita bertanya seberapa meluas sebetulnya kenyataan bahwa banyak "saudara" sebangsa kita yang hidup dalam kondisi sepert Supri, Muriski, dan Khairunisa.
Mana wujud tanggung jawab Negara, Pemerintah (Pusat dan DKI), serta para petingginya (dari SBY, Bang Yos, sampai petugas Dinas-dinas dan kepolisian?; mana pula rasa kemanusiaan para pamong negara yang bersentuhan langsung dengan peristiwa ini).
Ini wujud nyata negara dan masyarakat SONTOLOYO - yang sudah bebal (hampir) kehilangan nuraini dan rasa kemanusiaan. Birokrasi dan administrasi yang berlapis telah mengikis habis rasa kemanusiaan dan kemampuan untuk berempathi bahkan di hadapan tragedi terbesar kemanusiaan. Apa lagi yang harus kita saksikan tanpa rasa? Seorang anak tak berdosa, hilang nyawa karena orang tua dan pemerintah tak bisa memberi layanan kesehatan untuk suatu penyakit yang bukan tak terobati.
SONTOLOYO itu kompensasi BBM yang triliunan mengalir entah ke mana.
SONTOLOYO itu pelayanan kesehatan cuma-cuma untuk orang miskin, yang tidak menyentuh mereka yang paling membutuhkan.
SONTOLOYO itu janji kampanye membawa perubahan, dan bersama kita bisa, serta semua tebar pesona, yang gagal bahkan untuk mendenga bahwa ini terjadi, bukan di mana-mana, tapi di ibukota negara entah berapa meter dari Istana itu letak Cikini dan Menteng Pulo, juga tidak jauh dari Blora Center dan (jl.) Lembang.
SONTOLOYO itu bangunan ibadah dibelakang halte yang tidak bisa melihat derita sesama persis di pagarnya.
Untuk ketidak sopanan ini aku tidak meminta maaf. Peristiwa ini sama sekali tidak sopan, tidak patut. Aku tinggal menunggu saja apa selanjutnya yang akan terjadi. Kalau tidak ada kelanjutannya, maka benar sudah bangsa ini telah jadi bangsa bangsat dan SONTOLOYO
05 Juni 2005
pbWiki - pelayananpublik: FrontPage
Mencoba membahas Pelayanan publik dengan memanfaatkan wiki, silahkan kalau mau berpartisipasi! Password: "1pc05" tanpa " ".
pbWiki - pelayananpublik: FrontPage: "Persoalan besar reformasi Indonesia saat ini adalah kenyataan proses reformasi ternyata tidak membawa dampak nyata dalam kehidupan mereka. Semakin lama semakin terasa bahwa reformasi tidak lain dari suatu proses sirkulasi elit semata. Tidak mengherankan bahwa konsep utama yang dibawa oleh reformasi sendiri mulai dipandang dengan sinis. Berbagai analisis telah diberikan, dan ini mungkin hanya salah satunya. Lewat wiki ini ingin dikembangkan pemikiran untuk melihat proses demokratisasi lewat kacamata DemokrasiSubstantif.
Substansi demokrasi berbicara tentang hasil demokrasi yang bisa dinikmati oelh rakyat, berbeda dengan pemahaman demokrasi yang memfokuskan pada pemenuhan hak politik sebagai bagian dari proses politik. Bukan menafikan pentingnya proses tetapi kegagalan untuk secara langsung membicarakan dan merancang suatu sistem politik yang efektif dan sesuai dengan prisip TataPemerintah yang baik (good governance) dalam perspektif rakyat adalah kegagalan negara/pemerintah untuk membuat kehidupan keseharian rakyat menjadi lebih baik."
pbWiki - pelayananpublik: FrontPage: "Persoalan besar reformasi Indonesia saat ini adalah kenyataan proses reformasi ternyata tidak membawa dampak nyata dalam kehidupan mereka. Semakin lama semakin terasa bahwa reformasi tidak lain dari suatu proses sirkulasi elit semata. Tidak mengherankan bahwa konsep utama yang dibawa oleh reformasi sendiri mulai dipandang dengan sinis. Berbagai analisis telah diberikan, dan ini mungkin hanya salah satunya. Lewat wiki ini ingin dikembangkan pemikiran untuk melihat proses demokratisasi lewat kacamata DemokrasiSubstantif.
Substansi demokrasi berbicara tentang hasil demokrasi yang bisa dinikmati oelh rakyat, berbeda dengan pemahaman demokrasi yang memfokuskan pada pemenuhan hak politik sebagai bagian dari proses politik. Bukan menafikan pentingnya proses tetapi kegagalan untuk secara langsung membicarakan dan merancang suatu sistem politik yang efektif dan sesuai dengan prisip TataPemerintah yang baik (good governance) dalam perspektif rakyat adalah kegagalan negara/pemerintah untuk membuat kehidupan keseharian rakyat menjadi lebih baik."
pbWiki - storiati: FrontPage
Pernah dengar tentang Wiki? Mungkin tentang wikipedia yang menjadi tandingan ensiklopedia, dengan mengandalkan pada luasnya pengetahuan yang tersebar pada banyak orang dia menjadi bentuk perumusan tentang segala sesuatu yang dirumuskan secara beramai-ramai oleh mereka yang peduli untuk turut merumuskannya.
Berbeda dengan ensiklopedia yang bertumpu pada luas dan dalamnya pengetahuan tentang masalah tertentu pada para editor dan penulis yang dipilih karena pengakuan yang diterima sebagai bidang dalam bidang tertentu, wikipedia ditulis isinya oleh mereka yang mau meluangkan waktu untuk menuangkan sedikit (atau banyak) pengetahuannya tentang suatu topik tertentu.
Pada dasarnya teknologi wiki memungkinkan pertautan antar berbagai dokumen (ulasan) dengan memanfaatkan teknologi html. sehingga tiap referensi pada suatu hal bisa langsung ditelusuri pada tulisan yang lebih luas.
Aku misalnya bereksperimen dengan wiki seperti pada wiki yang ada link/tautannya di bawah ini. Saat ini sedang memikirkan untuk memanfaatkannya untuk suatu hal yang lebih serius dan produktif.
pbWiki - storiati: FrontPage: "Ini wiki-nya Rio, untuk belajar saja sih, siapa tahu bisa dikembangkan lebih jauh lagi. Mungkin seperti yang disebutkan oleh pembuatnya berguna untuk diskusi kelompok dan mengembangkan pengetahuan kelompok yang lainnya. Bagaimana mengoperasikan sebuah wiki sih."
Berbeda dengan ensiklopedia yang bertumpu pada luas dan dalamnya pengetahuan tentang masalah tertentu pada para editor dan penulis yang dipilih karena pengakuan yang diterima sebagai bidang dalam bidang tertentu, wikipedia ditulis isinya oleh mereka yang mau meluangkan waktu untuk menuangkan sedikit (atau banyak) pengetahuannya tentang suatu topik tertentu.
Pada dasarnya teknologi wiki memungkinkan pertautan antar berbagai dokumen (ulasan) dengan memanfaatkan teknologi html. sehingga tiap referensi pada suatu hal bisa langsung ditelusuri pada tulisan yang lebih luas.
Aku misalnya bereksperimen dengan wiki seperti pada wiki yang ada link/tautannya di bawah ini. Saat ini sedang memikirkan untuk memanfaatkannya untuk suatu hal yang lebih serius dan produktif.
pbWiki - storiati: FrontPage: "Ini wiki-nya Rio, untuk belajar saja sih, siapa tahu bisa dikembangkan lebih jauh lagi. Mungkin seperti yang disebutkan oleh pembuatnya berguna untuk diskusi kelompok dan mengembangkan pengetahuan kelompok yang lainnya. Bagaimana mengoperasikan sebuah wiki sih."
Lihat photo jaman sekolah dulu????? Mau nggak?
Ini prestasi atau apa lagi namanya.
World School Photographs: "World School Photographs have one of the largest databases on the World Wide Web. Have you lost your old school photographs? Good news we should have them in our database!! World School Photographs would like to say Thanks to all Countries involved for all their help. Without it this site would not be possible. This company started in Ireland 1994 with 7 staff, Today World School Photographs have over 8,000 staff in 14 different Countries. Our Web Site has a 98% success rate. And is now one of the fastest growing sites on the World Wide Web."
World School Photographs: "World School Photographs have one of the largest databases on the World Wide Web. Have you lost your old school photographs? Good news we should have them in our database!! World School Photographs would like to say Thanks to all Countries involved for all their help. Without it this site would not be possible. This company started in Ireland 1994 with 7 staff, Today World School Photographs have over 8,000 staff in 14 different Countries. Our Web Site has a 98% success rate. And is now one of the fastest growing sites on the World Wide Web."
Tentang Meditasi
Berikut cuplikan artikel tentang meditasi, yang tradisional dan yang modern.
Science and Philosophy of Consciousness: Meditation, Dreams and Reality.: "Meditation comes in many forms. It is an important part of Buddhism and Hinduism and is practiced in Christianity and Islam as prayer. Buddhism stands apart from other religious systems of meditation because it stresses individual enlightenment rather than merger with God or a god. Western philosophers, especially Descartes (1641), have also practiced meditation to obtain introspective knowledge of the mind. Historically meditation was thought to be a method of transcending the material state and becoming closer to some non-material truth. More recently various techniques of meditation have been developed by materialists to maintain their health in the face of a harmful or distressing social environment."
Science and Philosophy of Consciousness: Meditation, Dreams and Reality.: "Meditation comes in many forms. It is an important part of Buddhism and Hinduism and is practiced in Christianity and Islam as prayer. Buddhism stands apart from other religious systems of meditation because it stresses individual enlightenment rather than merger with God or a god. Western philosophers, especially Descartes (1641), have also practiced meditation to obtain introspective knowledge of the mind. Historically meditation was thought to be a method of transcending the material state and becoming closer to some non-material truth. More recently various techniques of meditation have been developed by materialists to maintain their health in the face of a harmful or distressing social environment."
Kirim email dari HP cukup dengan SMS (Rp 1.000,-)
Dari HP ke email, cukup asal HP bisa SMS dan pulsa masih ada (ada yang pasca bayar) ..... terbukti benar, dan biaya satu kali kirim Rp 1.000
Buku Harian Bahtiar: "Cara Kirim Email dari HP
Syaratnya simcard - dengan pulsa aktif dan HP GSM - ga perlu type terbaru ato GPRS. Bisa dari negara manapun, carana:
1. Buka menu HP - Messages - Write Massages, tulis alamat email tujuan dan isi beritanya langsung. Misalnya :
bahtiar@gmail.com iki tes :)
2. Kirim pesan tersebut ke nomer +358405174761
Ok selamat mencoba :)"
Update: ternyata untuk kartu As dan kartu2 telkomsel lain ada yang lebih murah, hanya Rp 350 saja kirim SMS ke no: 5678 .... begini teksnya --> alamatem@il.mu#tuliskan pesan yang mau disampaikan ***selesai*** kirimkan SMS. Beda sama yang di atas pemisah alamat email dengan pesan pake "#"
Buku Harian Bahtiar: "Cara Kirim Email dari HP
Syaratnya simcard - dengan pulsa aktif dan HP GSM - ga perlu type terbaru ato GPRS. Bisa dari negara manapun, carana:
1. Buka menu HP - Messages - Write Massages, tulis alamat email tujuan dan isi beritanya langsung. Misalnya :
bahtiar@gmail.com iki tes :)
2. Kirim pesan tersebut ke nomer +358405174761
Ok selamat mencoba :)"
Update: ternyata untuk kartu As dan kartu2 telkomsel lain ada yang lebih murah, hanya Rp 350 saja kirim SMS ke no: 5678 .... begini teksnya --> alamatem@il.mu#tuliskan pesan yang mau disampaikan ***selesai*** kirimkan SMS. Beda sama yang di atas pemisah alamat email dengan pesan pake "#"
Indonesia - Amnesty International
Apa kata Amnesti International (AI) tentang Indonesia? Ini laporan tahun 2005.
Indonesia - Amnesty International: "On 26 December an earthquake and tsunami devastated large parts of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) and surrounding areas, leaving more than 200,000 people dead or missing and displacing approximately half a million others. Even before the disaster, the human rights situation in the province had been grave. Prior to the massive international relief effort mounted in response to the tsunami, access to the province had been restricted. The downgrading in May of the military emergency to a civil emergency had little impact on the human rights situation. Cases of extrajudicial executions, arbitrary detention, torture, sexual violence and destruction of property continued to be reported. Hundreds of suspected members or supporters of the armed pro-independence group, the Free Aceh Movement (GAM), were imprisoned following trials which contravened international standards. Repression of pro-independence activists in other regions also resulted in human rights violations. Elsewhere, police resorted to excessive force in responding to protests and when carrying out arrests. Dozens of people were arrested, detained and tried under “anti-terrorism” legislation. Justice for past human rights violations remained elusive although a number of members of the security forces faced trial. At least one person was sentenced to a term of imprisonment and at least four others were facing trial for the peaceful exercise of their right to freedom of expression. After a three-year de facto moratorium on executions, three people were executed."
Indonesia - Amnesty International: "On 26 December an earthquake and tsunami devastated large parts of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) and surrounding areas, leaving more than 200,000 people dead or missing and displacing approximately half a million others. Even before the disaster, the human rights situation in the province had been grave. Prior to the massive international relief effort mounted in response to the tsunami, access to the province had been restricted. The downgrading in May of the military emergency to a civil emergency had little impact on the human rights situation. Cases of extrajudicial executions, arbitrary detention, torture, sexual violence and destruction of property continued to be reported. Hundreds of suspected members or supporters of the armed pro-independence group, the Free Aceh Movement (GAM), were imprisoned following trials which contravened international standards. Repression of pro-independence activists in other regions also resulted in human rights violations. Elsewhere, police resorted to excessive force in responding to protests and when carrying out arrests. Dozens of people were arrested, detained and tried under “anti-terrorism” legislation. Justice for past human rights violations remained elusive although a number of members of the security forces faced trial. At least one person was sentenced to a term of imprisonment and at least four others were facing trial for the peaceful exercise of their right to freedom of expression. After a three-year de facto moratorium on executions, three people were executed."
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